Page 8 of Surrender

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“What are you talking about?”

“Look around you and tell me what you see.”

“Umm. People, vehicles, tents.”

“Look closer at the people. There are several with headsets around their necks or walkies in their hands. There are groups of others hanging out and talking or watching what’s up. Ring any bells yet?”

“Shit. It’s a live set. Did you know that when you booked us here?”

“I didn’t, but I ain’t mad at it either. You still don’t get it do you? That man who was making eyes at you and opened the door like a fucking Prince Charming was Rafael Varallo.”

“You’re insane. It was not.”

Rafael Varallo is an up-and-coming, sought-after actor out of the European market. He’s done a couple of mid-level market movies in France and Germany, then he’s had a couple of smaller roles in the American indie scene. I think Aaron tried to vie for his American representation and lost.

“Girl. Look at his Instagram.” She lowers her sunglasses as she scrolls.

“What am I looking at?”

“His location tag. Look at this picture. It was inside the coffee shop yesterday. That was him. We’re starting to have stories to take home. I know you swore off work and so did I, but this seems like an opportunity to mix a hell of a lot of pleasure with a hint of business.”

Chapter three


Sylvia and I hung out at the table and watched down that street from a distance for a long time. Being a voyeur holds a lot of thoughts and feelings for me. When I was young, and the stars from my favorite sports, shows, or movies would be holding appearances in or near my hometown, I would beg to go see them. I have digital and printed photos of me with them in my computer, in albums, or on thumb drives. I feel like I’m doing that again.

I was tired after dinner so we went home. The air and the interesting way the trip has started is taking something out of me. However, when I got in my room and closed the door, I instantly was wide awake and a bit claustrophobic. I couldn’t focus on the book I brought with me, I found myself leaving Sylvia a note and going to the common area of the house. Daria’s brother was closing up the kitchen for the night and settling into the small office beneath the staircase.

He suggested a walk might clear my head. I don’t generally wander by myself; let alone in a town I don’t know. He said I would be safe. I know he’s right. There’s something about the area. My fairy-tale-loving self feels like I’m in an instantly colored modern version of Pleasantville.

I trade the sandals I was wearing earlier for sneakers with my maxi dress. Where my hair was pulled back into a sweeping side ponytail before, my curls are loose and free down my back. As I’m taking a right on to Main Street, the doors of the fire station roll up and the trucks flow out on a call. The pitch of the sirens hurts my ears and for a moment as they pass by me, I’m swallowed by the sound. I can’t hear anything else for a few seconds, even after they disappear in the distance.

“I hope everyone is okay,” I speak out loud.

“My mother would always say a prayer or cross herself when sirens would cut across her path.” I turn to my left and behind me, lit by the setting sun, is my handsome stranger from this afternoon. “I’m sorry if I startled you.”

“You didn’t.”

“You’re out here alone?”

“My best friend fell asleep. I was restless so I decided to take a walk. You?”

“To be honest, I’m missing my dog. This is the time of night I would walk her. I guess in a way I am.” He takes another step toward me underneath the streetlight that has just popped on in the beginning of twilight. “I realize we haven’t been properly introduced.”

“You’re Rafael Varallo. Right?”

“I am, and you are?”

I feel a schoolgirl flush run through my cheeks. “Ava. Ava Caron.”

“It’s a pleasure, Ava.” Rafael slides his hand from his pocket and extends it to me. I reach out to take it. His hand dwarfs mine. My fingers warm under the heat of his skin. We linger in our touch longer than I normally would with someone I just met. “Are you just out wandering like me, or were you headed back to where you’re staying?”

“I’m just taking in the sights. It’s my first vacation in a while.”

“I’ve been in the area for a few weeks. I’m enjoying it here. The bar on the corner is quiet. They have a few tables out behind the building like a sidewalk café. Would a drink help you sleep? We already know how well you do with caffeine.”

I smile a little, but then my work brain starts to kick in. “Are you allowed to do that? I mean, usually they have someone with you, right?”
