Page 78 of Surrender

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“If they don’t, I will have their heads examined. Mama knows what joy you bring to my life. Papa will likely flirt shamelessly with you. If you’re worried, don’t be.”

Just a couple of miles outside the city’s center, we turn on to a small private gravel drive that leads us to a quaint, stone farmhouse. The three stories rise against the hillside with flowers and a grove of olive trees that blanket the grounds. It looks like something out of a picture book.

Rafael shuts the car off and stares at the paver walkway. “You’re right. There is something about being here that is more right than ever. I get to share another piece of me with you. My past and my future are meeting in the present.”

Just then the front door opens, and a beautiful golden retriever comes bounding out to greet us. She wiggles and whines until we’re out of the car so she can leap and nip at Rafael. He holds his arms open so she can get in between his hands for all the pets and cuddles she can get. He keeps saying hello love to her over and over again in Italian. She loves every minute of it.

A stunning couple comes behind Violet in the open doorway. Instantly, I see Rafael is an exact copy of half his mother and half his father. I linger in the background while he greets his mother with kisses on both cheeks and a warm hug. His father gets that same warm hug, but instead, he kisses Rafael’s cheeks before winking at me over his shoulder.

The warmth I receive from both of his parents is both alarming and comforting. They take me in immediately. I’m welcomed like I’ve always been a member of the family. Rafael was right. His father does shamelessly flirt with me. Antonio is playfully scolded by his wife. Rafael’s mother is a dear woman. She opened up to share memories of her son with me. I feel like I know him even better just by being here.

Rafael’s childhood bedroom has been converted into a more formal guest room. I find myself staring out the window alongside the bed, gazing into the darkened countryside lit only by the distant lights of the city. The chill of the night air catches up with me and I wrap my arms across my chest. I’m not cold for long. Rafael quietly closes the door before bringing the heat of his body to warm me from behind.

I run my hands slowly up and down his sculpted arms as his lips make their imprint on the top of my head. “What are you thinking about, Bella?”

“Many things. Nothing at all.” I pause, resting my head back against his chest. “Did you message Nicolette back?”

“I did. They pushed my start date back a couple of weeks. Something about a recast.”

“I’m surprised Julian didn’t reach out,” I tell him.

“He knew I was bringing you here. I’m sure Alexandra threatened him. He’s also wrapped around his baby girl’s finger.”

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Rafael’s lips imprint on the top of my head. “One day for us, Bella. One day.”

I swallow past the tiny lump in my throat. ”You were right about Sunday dinners with your family. I feel like I belong here.”

“Of course you do. What would make you think otherwise?”

“Things are easy. Nearly too easy.”

“I think we deserve that. Don’t you? Remember it doesn’t have to be more complicated than this,” he says. “Looking up at the same sky, the same stars, the same moon.”

He’s right. This is deliciously normal and uncomplicated. The way it should be.

“Ti amo, Rafael. Per sempre.”

I can feel the corners of his mouth turn up slightly.

“Per sempre, Bella.”
