Page 49 of Surrender

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“So will I get to meet your mystery man?”

“I don’t know. I don’t have a plan. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

“Calm down. Look, if he’s in the industry, he knows you’ll likely cross paths. Maybe if you think of this more like a work function instead of surprising him, it will take the edge off. Besides, he’s an idiot if he takes one look at you and responds with anything but a dropped jaw. You’ve never looked better.”

“You really know how to pump a girl up. Does Noelle know you possess this skill?”

“Who do you think trained me?” We laugh, before he leans in. “I think you’ve been spotted.” Aaron motions with his head toward a very pregnant Alexandra with Julian at her side, she waves at us. “Let’s get the initial conversation out of the way then you’ll feel better.”

He pats my hand a couple of times as we walk in their direction. When I’m within a few feet, Alexandra takes a couple of steps toward me with a hand out to take mine. “Oh my gosh, Ava. It’s been too long.”

I look at her beautiful beach ball belly and smile before we hug. “Clearly. Congratulations. When are you due?”

“Next month. It’s been a whirlwind of a year. Hi, Aaron,” she says, “It’s good to see you.”

“Good to see you too. Hey, Julian. What a party. I’ve been hearing so many good things about the scripts you’ve snagged for Skywriter.”

I watch quietly as they shake hands. “Thanks, Aaron. As my beautiful wife said, it’s been a hell of a year. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Julian Stone.”

I feel a quick flush run through my body before I reach my hand out to shake his. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m Ava Caron. I’m a colleague of Aaron’s and sometimes a yoga buddy for your wife.”

“Oh so you’re, Ava. She’s told me about you. The pleasure is mine.”

“Not that I’m not totally excited to see you, Ava, but Aaron, where is Noelle tonight?” Alexandra asks.

“Marketing snafu. She’s going to be landing in New York in about thirty minutes to start a weekend full of meetings. Luckily, Ava was free to accompany me. I wanted her to reconnect with you, meet Julian, and open conversation with a few others in attendance. Ava will likely be made a partner in the next year or two. I want to make a few new avenues for her with the European side. This is the perfect place to start.”

My eyes widen as what Aaron has said registers in my head. He winks, leaning into my ear. “You’re not the only one who has secrets. Enjoy the ride.”

“Well, congratulations to you, Ava.” Julian smiles. “Skywriter is always evolving with presentations and our casts come in with a wide variety of levels from up-and-coming to established. We always welcome new perspectives.”

“Wow, Julian. I’d be more than happy to look at whatever you’d want me to. If that’s okay with you, boss?”

I take a peek over at Aaron. He’s got a very satisfied smile on his face. “I’m going to put it on record that you called me boss. Julian, Ava is perfect for Skywriter. We can get a meeting on the books sometime next week. You’re the guests of the hour. We don’t want to monopolize you.”

“I do want to connect for a nonwork conversation later. Promise me you won’t leave without finding me?” Alexandra asks, laying a gentle hand on my arm.

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Until then.” Julian smiles. He gives me a soft smile that would give any girl butterflies, but that isn’t what totally does it. He places his hand in the small of Alexandra’s back, then he leans into her ear. I can tell he’s whispering something to her. Her chin lowers with her eyes and a smile of her own appears. Julian’s other hand slides across Alexandra’s baby bump and gives it a loving touch.

I’ve often seen couples in the entertainment eye be very calculated in particularly public environments in their touch, conversation, or appearance. One thing I can say about Alexandra and Julian is that none of that applies to them. They are one-hundred-percent authentic. She is wholly in love with him and he’s over the moon in love with her. I’ve read about some of their struggles, unfortunately, in the socials and press. They are a model of what hard work, listening to each other, and love looks like.

My thoughts drift to Rafael. Is this what we could be?


We’ve hardly known each other on an intimate level and my head has gone to plans, like the kind I would have had with Vince. The light bulb that goes off in my head frightens me. I’m admitting to myself I’m back in that headspace. I’m honestly lightyears ahead of where it took Vince and I over seven years to be. I want Rafael to look at me in front of the cameras, or anywhere, how Julian just did with Alexandra. I want him to show anyone who sees us that I belong to him and he belongs to me.

Aaron softly squeezes my hand. “Hey, I lost you again. I’m starting to get concerned.”

“Don’t be. I just have a lot going on in my head and being here is sort of cementing it for me.”

”Is it about my unofficial announcement about your promotion? I don’t want you to freak out. It’s a natural progression I see you on. We can slow it down too. Saying it out loud was to show you my intent and my confidence in you.”

“No, I know. I know and I appreciate it. It’s not that.” I realize I need someone in my corner tonight, someone who knows the full story. “Okay, I have a confession or two to make about where my head is, and why I look like a scared puppy. Can we find a cocktail so I can tell you?”

“I was going to suggest a drink to take the edge off. You know I’m always here to listen. Let’s find a quieter corner and a glass of wine.”
