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“She might come back,” I add carefully.

“I had a lot of time to think last night. After she left, I was pissed, and to get a handle on that, I thought of other things.”

Rhett takes my hand in his warm grip, stroking his finger along the length of mine where they rest along his palm.

“You are a million times the woman she ever endeavored to be. And you do so effortlessly.”

My breath lodges in my throat as his eyes capture mine. The turbulent storm from his clear, replaced with sunny beaches.

“I want you in my bed, Evie. Starting now.”

I bristle. The muscles in my back snap my spine straight. “We aren’t arguing about this again.”

“It’s not about the handout.” His grip tightens around my fingers in a warning squeeze. “It’s about wanting to fall asleep with you lying next to me and waking beside you in the morning.”

I break eye contact to bounce my gaze around the space that up until yesterday belonged to my employer.

“That was her bed. Your marital bed.”

“I’ll burn the damn bed, Evie.”

My hand pulls away next. “It’s not…It’s not just about the bed.” I spin away in order to collect my thoughts without him interpreting my face.

The weight of his hand settles on my shoulder. His voice gentles considerably, and even without seeing his expression, I know it’s etched with concern. “Is Tommy a deal breaker?”

“God, no.” I turn back to face him reluctantly. “That beautiful little boy stole my heart from the moment I saw him. I didn’t know he was yours, but I knew he was special.” The vehemence I deliver coats every word. “I might not be able to have kids of my own, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the ones around me, no matter how much it hurts.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice carries an ache.

“Sometimes we have to go through a little pain in order to come out on the other side.”

“If it isn’t Tommy, then what is it?”

“This is too fast.” I gnaw the inside of my lip. “A day ago, I cleaned this house for money. It doesn’t feel right being here.”

“I’ll be damned if I’m sleeping here, and you’re in your car.” He resurrects our ongoing argument.

“You and Eric should really form a club,” I retort dryly with a sarcastic snort.

“It’s not funny.” Rhett steps closer, and I step back. His irritation magnifies at my move. “I was with the same woman for fifteen years. She fucks that up, and I set off on a revenge screw that turns into many nights with many different women.”

My stomach twists an ugly knot at having him spell it out for me after the nights we’ve spent together. I tamp down the jealousy. He’s never hidden the type of guy he was from me, and I never expected him to.

“What’s fast isn’t you moving into this house. What’s fast is that from the moment I saw you, I couldn’t see anyone else. Happened like that.” His fingers snap for emphasis, but I’m lost to his confession to process much else. “Haven’t looked at another woman and certainly haven’t slept with one since before we met. Hell, someone touched my arm at Calypso’s, and I damn near tore her fingers off because she wasn’t you.”


“Would have broken them one by one if I had to,” he growls.

“You really strapped dynamite to this situation and lit the fuse.”

“If it gets you safe with me, I’d power a damn rocket ship if I have to.”

I step back, increasing the space between us. “I need a little time.”

“Did I read this that wrong?” He swishes his index finger between us.

“No. You didn’t,” I rush to reassure him. “But my life isn’t a romance novel. I don’t need the hero with his big bucks to swoop in and solve all my problems. If this is going to be something we explore, I need to know I can stand on my own two feet first.”
