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She bites her bottom lip. “Oh.”

“I also want to know what we’re doing.” The announcement shocks even me, regardless that it came from my own mouth.

“Rhett…” Her voice sounds pained, but like the Evie I’ve come to know, she faces the challenge head-on. “I think we’re just having fun.”

“Is that all you think this is?”

She takes her bottom lip into her mouth again. My fingers itch to tug it free and occupy her fidgeting lips with my own. Her shoulders rise in a shrug. “I don’t know.”

We reach the end of the grass and return to the blacktop. Time is running out for tonight, and I don’t want to leave this unfinished.

“I’m not asking for marriage. You have until my divorce is finalized for that.” I attempt to lighten the mood. “But this is more than having a little fun.”

Putting pressure on her for a definitive answer isn’t going to help, so I let off the gas a little and tap the brakes.

“I have to get back to the house. I left to give Nora time to pack alone, but I’ll be staying with Tommy for the foreseeable future. Can you come by tomorrow so we can finish talking?”

Her head jerks around. “You have him back?”

I can’t contain the grin or the several blinks necessary to keep my eyes dry. “I have my boy back.”

“Why didn’t you start with that?”

The air is knocked from my lungs as she throws herself bodily at me and hugs me tight. I nearly drop the leash in surprise but manage to hang on as I hold her equally firm. From behind her back, I lower her hood off her head and situate my mouth at her ear.

“Because that part is settled, but this isn’t. Starting with I’m sorry was more important.”

Evie pulls back an inch. “But how? How do you know she won’t try something else?”

“The operative word is try.” I brush a wayward strand from her soft cheek. “She’s already made all the wrong moves to get her way and failed.”

“I’m really happy for you,” she murmurs, flicking her gaze to my lips. The attention entices my tongue to wet mine. The Evie I’ve come to know peeks through.

“As much as I’d like to stay with you and celebrate, I have to get back.” My forehead kisses hers for half a second. A moment of contact before I’m unable to pull back. “Will you come by the house tomorrow?”

Her answering nod settles some of the unease. “I’m going to get breakfast with Eric and Caiti. They have to leave for the airport at eleven.”

“Wish them well for me. And give Eric my number in case he needs to check in and can’t reach you.”

Her torso presses against mine. “I will.” A cloud passes by overhead, bathing her in a moonlit glow and highlighting her perfections.

I seal my lips over hers in a demanding kiss, desperate for a single taste after the evening we’ve had. She opens easily, allowing me to claim her ruby lips that drip with smarts and sass.

“I need to go.” I pull back, touching my forehead to hers in order to catch my breath.

Her forehead rocks against mine with her nod.

“You have to go inside, Rosie.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Her words drip with a desire we share. “What if I’m not finished kissing you?”

“Be careful, or the next thing I shove between your lips won’t be my tongue.”

“Is that so?” A lick of her lips follows the husky murmur.

I release a guttural groan in the back of my throat. “I’m not leaving until I know you’re inside, so you’re going to make me late getting back.”

“Sounds like a you problem.”
