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I drop it for now, even though I want to get her to open up. She doesn’t understand that I could help. Once this shit with Nora is settled, I’ll be free to do what I want with my money. I have more than I could ever need, and I want to help her.

“Are we friends yet, Rosie?”


“How many days in a row do you have to spend with a complete stranger before you consider yourselves friends?”

“At least five,” she replies surprisingly quick. I bark out a laugh.

“I’ll consider us friends after five.” My tone changes from searching to a command. “Tell me about the job.” I dig in for another bite. We’ve killed nearly half the pan, and I’m filling up fast.

She moans around a mouthful of garlic bread. “It’s a big job. The house is enormous, but the woman is generous too. She’s paying way above my rates, and I don’t have a clue why. I tried to talk to her about it, but she waved me off like it was no big deal. Oh! She has the most adorable little boy. That’s why I had bananas smeared on my clothing. He gave me the sweetest hug.”

Hearing about a little boy sends a pang rippling through me. The organ that sustains life gives a threatening squeeze.

“I also put out a search on social media, so hopefully, I can add to my client list soon.”

“That’s great,” I mumble through a dry throat. I should have thought to bring us a drink. “I’m going to grab something from inside. You thirsty?”

“Just water would be nice.”

“I’m on it.”

I shuffle around the car and rub a fist against my breastbone. Thinking about Tommy fucking hurts sometimes.

As I enter the air-conditioned building, my phone rings from my pocket. Marcus flashes across the screen—my attorney.

“What a time for you to call. Were your ears ringing?”

“Why? Are you talking about how handsome I am again?”

I bark out a laugh. “When I said that, it was in reference to you being eye-fucked by my almost ex-wife. Don’t flatter yourself.”

The sound of papers rustles through the line. “Speaking of which, I spoke with her attorney today. She wants to meet you in person, and as your lawyer, I highly recommend against it without me present.”

I stop in my tracks in front of the fountain drinks. “What the fuck for?”

“She says she’s ready to give up the house if you’re ready to discuss what she calls adequate compensation for losing out on her dream.”

My snort of derision has no hope of being contained. “I didn’t realize getting caught screwing your boss fell into that category. The house has to sell. There’s not another option unless she wants to forfeit her half of what’s in the bank accounts.”

“I said the same thing. She can fight all she wants, but she’s going to lose if this goes before a judge. You’ve agreed to a fifty/fifty split, which is beyond what she deserves at this point.”

“Well, thank you. I’ll take what you said into consideration, but if it’ll get her to give in sooner, I might just get it over with.”

“Again, I advise against it.”

“I hear you.”

We hang up, and I pay for a fountain drink and a water. When I return to the car, I find Evie bundled in an oversized dark gray sweatshirt and the food packed away.


“Thanks. I hope it’s okay I cleaned up. I have a cooler that can keep it cold until tomorrow.”

“Sounds like another date.”

Her gaze snaps to mine. “This isn’t a date.”
