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A long gasp rippled from her when I turned my attention to her other breast. When I had them both in hand, I rolled my fingers up the hills to pluck at her areolae over and over.

“Mmm.” My own groan rumbled out, my achingly hard dick pressing against her ass. “Feels good, right babe?”

“Yeah.” She tilted her head, taking long hot swipes with her tongue along my throat.

I kept one hand on her breasts, the other slipping into the small triangle covering her cunt.

Oh fuck yes.

Slippery with her juice and swollen with lust, her sweet pussy practically vibrated against my fingertips.

There in the middle of the Aegean Sea, I got Roya off with my fingers and, when she came, her cry rose up to the deeply blue, cloudless sky.

Later, after our water fight and wanton play, she snoozed beneath a sunshade while I smoked a cigar in the open air and contented myself with doing nothing much else other than watching her, every so often coasting the lightest of caresses across one glowing shoulder or down over the convex shape of her belly. When I did that, a hushed murmur left her lips and she always shifted into my touch.

After an hour or so, Roya startled awake.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, her eyes flitting open.

Concern quickly rolled through me. “Are you okay?”

An exquisite smile traced her red lips. “She moved!” Grabbing my hand, Roya placed my palm on the upper, outer side of her tummy. “Just wait.”

I did, my heart lunging all the way up to my throat.

“There. There!” Laughing, she held my hand still.

“Blyad.” I went absolutely breathless when I felt that small, hard nudge against the heart of my palm.

It was miraculous, the sensation squirming against my hand from inside her belly, and I grinned widely.

Then my eyes shaded. “Does it hurt?”

“No, my love. Not yet anyway. It might get a bit uncomfortable when she gets bigger.”

Another kick made my hand jump, and we both gasped.

“I think she agrees,” I said. “She’s strong . . .”

Roya’s fingers moved to trail across my forearm. “Like her papa.”

I placed my lips first on Roya’s tummy and then on her mouth. “Like her momma.”

The day carried on in much the same lazy fashion—our little princess seemingly needing as much sleep as Momma because there weren’t any more kicks or nudges—and I was waiting on deck for Roya to join me for a late, leisurely dinner.

I rose to my feet the moment she appeared. My god. This dress was a new creation, and the claret red confection looked positively Grecian.

I swallowed hard, suddenly wishing I’d fucked her at least twice today already instead of waiting, because a long leisurely dinner was going to prove painful.

My cock expanded instantly, a seething fullness to my balls.

Watching her slow hip-swinging approach, I took in every tantalizing aspect of the dress and her figure. The thing appeared to be held together by nothing more than a wide sash tightened above her belly just below her breasts. The neckline plunged, the floor-length skirt flowed, the outer sides of her torso from breasts to belt lay bare, and a sexy slit parted all the way up one thigh.

Perhaps she’d chosen this jaw-dropping number because of the heat. Perhaps she’d just wanted to make me lose my own formidable control. Whatever the reason, I approved.

“It’s gorgeous up here tonight,” she mentioned.

Although I only had eyes for her, I glanced around. Above, the moon formed a shimmering crescent slice in the sky, bright constellations of stars reflected below on the night-black surface of the sea.

On deck, candlelight glowed, flames gently flickering as the breath of a zephyr wafted across the yacht. One of the stewards had arranged exotic flowers, and small lanterns added to the intimate aura.

Romance had never featured when I’d been with a woman before.

Then again, neither had love.

I brought Roya’s hand to my lips to kiss her palm. “Not nearly as gorgeous as you.”

She’d truly embraced her sensuality—her sexy femininity—and her fertile figure only made her that much more fuckable.

With my permission, the staff served the meal, polite but totally unobtrusive. As I’d figured at the outset, the four courses became painfully torturous to sit through all because of my delectable companion.

While we ate, I had trouble not leering as the slit of her skirt widened to reveal yet more caramel-colored flesh. I struggled to keep my hands on the safe zone of her neck or her arm . . . not that any part of Roya was safe where I was concerned.

I wanted to eat at her lips, feast on her pussy, feed her my cock.

Patting my lips with a napkin after I finished the dessert course of pistachio and chocolate baklava, I focused on Roya’s mouth that glistened from the rich pastry.

As the chief steward swept up the plates, Roya blushed profusely and asked, “Could I have another piece of baklava?”

I knew she hated to be waited on—unless it was by me—and she didn’t like to ask the staff for anything, thinking she was a nuisance. But we both treated them well, they were paid an insane amount of money, and I had a feeling they’d bend over backward to please her in any way possible.

As would I.

All smiles, the steward returned quickly with an extra-large slice as well as more of the alcohol-free wine Roya had been drinking.

And Roya thanked her over and over.

I merely indulged myself in more vodka, watching as the candlelight played across her silken skin.

Music began drifting out over invisible speakers set about the yacht by the time she finished her second dessert.

Leaning across the small divide between us, I licked my way into her mouth. I tasted the different flavors of the dessert, diving deeper to discover all that was Roya and her heat and spicy sweetness.

When she pulled away, her lashes fell to cast shadows on her high cheekbones. “I think I’d like to dance.”

Oh yes.

“I think I’d like to watch.” I moved to one of the long banquettes set along the side of the deck and sent a quick call to the crew quarters that we weren’t to be disturbed again.

Roya stood with sensual poise and drifted away from the table. She shut her eyes, seeming hypnotized by the slow pulse of the music.

I spread my thighs, lounged back, and enjoyed the show.

She appeared swept up in the deep rhythmic throb of the song, the slow rolling beats.

One part of my anatomy gave several deep throbs too.

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