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Wasted and wonderful and limp, I barely registered it when he guided me over and around. In the end, I lay snuggled against him.

He tilted my chin to lazily, thoroughly, and oh so slowly kiss me.

For some reason, after all we’d been through—the raging arguments and rash comments and tantalizing sexual interludes—it was that simple gesture that made tears dampen my eyes.

I pushed the burn away, resting my head on his shoulder.

I smelled him, storing his specific sexy scent away so I could remember it, remember him, during the long lonely nights sure to lay ahead.

“Come on.” Aris nudged me. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Wrinkling my nose, I shook my head.

His chuckle wafted to me then I heard him gathering the beads. They made soft noises when he circled the ruby necklace back into the jewelry box.

Next, he scooped me into his arms and strolled to the bathroom. There, he cleaned me with a warm cloth and dried me with a soft towel.

I had not expected him to take care of me in this way, not after the savage threats that had begun our hours’ long tryst.

My heart flipped foolishly in my chest.

When I asked him to give me a moment of privacy, he left me with a quirk of his divine lips.

He was already lounging in the bed when I came back out. He’d left the covers on what had become my side flipped open, another more intimate gesture.

I didn’t even think twice about padding to him and climbing in, naked like him.

Murmuring his approval, he rolled me toward him, linking a heavy leg across mine.

It appeared he wasn’t going to resort to shackling me up tonight.

I waited until he turned the light off to hesitatingly say, “Aris, can I ask you something?”


Even without the lights in the room, I made out his features easily. The whole Dubai skyline glittered just beyond the long bank of windows across from us.

“Was I good?” I blushed in asking, but I wanted to know.

“Good?” He looked surprised and briefly closed those glowing blue eyes. Then he peered at me, tracing the backs of his knuckles along my cheekbone. “Roya, you are the best I could ever hope to have.”

And my heart sailed, his approval more satisfying than I could ever have imagined.

Aris Volkov was demanding. Domineering. Decidedly arrogant. And I could find no fault with him anymore.

Unlike other men in my life, he didn’t put me up on some unattainable pedestal. He didn’t seem to think I was lesser than him either. He actually talked to me. He treated me to delicious indulgences. He even appeared to welcome my fits of rage although he took unholy delight in punishing me afterward. His form of discipline definitely wasn’t painful.

The spanks, the slaps, even the chains . . . they’d opened a dimension of pleasure I’d been denied before, because he followed everything up with kisses, such tempting kisses. Caresses that made my flesh tingle. Orgasms that sent me reeling.

But he’d called my father, and it was only a matter of time.

* * *

The next day,after breakfast, Aris again retired to his study. Without him lurking around, I gathered up a luxurious robe and my toiletries and went to one of the other bathrooms where I’d spied a deep tub the other day.

After the way he’d used my body last night, I gave myself permission to luxuriate in a long hot soak. I piled my hair on my head then lowered down into the bath, releasing a blissful sigh.

While I lounged there, I heard his footsteps ringing out, coming closer. I tried not to jostle in the water, hoping he’d just move on.

Being in such close proximity to him day and night only served to confuse me more. I needed to pull myself back together, replace the walls that had tumbled down between us.

Although I lay absolutely motionless, his steps paused just beyond the door. I’d locked it, but I doubted that would stop him if he decided to intrude on my privacy.

Nothing had stopped him thus far.

In the end, though, he retreated, and I exhaled in relief.

I didn’t stay in the bath much longer, just enough to soothe my muscles as I tried to wipe thoughts of him from my mind.

Climbing from the tub, I let the water drain out. I’d just toweled off and wrapped the robe around me when the sound of another person drifted toward me.

I cracked the door and crept through the guestroom. At that door, I listened intently.

I recognized Yasmin’s throaty voice by now, and she was conversing with Aris in the living room. She seemed to come and go from his quarters as she pleased, once again provoking that uneasy jealousy within me.

“Is this supposed to be some sort of gift for Roya?” she asked with censure in her tone. “Because I’d advise against that.”

Maybe the bite of jealousy stung her too.

“And why would I be giving that woman presents?” Aris replied coolly.


He spoke again, his voice a low rumble. “Just tell me you made the adjustments I asked for.”

“Aris, whether or not I agree with your choices haven’t I always done as asked?”

“Usually with a fair amount of bitching.”

“Touché. And yes. The adjustments were made.” There was a pause and then she added, “Be careful around her.”

“She’s the one who needs to worry about me,” he said in a stark tone.

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