Page 109 of Dulce

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“It was my dad’s favorite.”

I lower my gaze to our little girl and smile.

“I like it.”

“Little Dove. It fits her. Plus, doves are a sign of peace. Maybe she’ll be our lucky omen,” Dmitri murmurs, already completely in love with his little girl.

I’m not worried about peace. Mommy and all her daddies would go to war to make sure she was safe, and that’s not factoring in all her crazy aunts.

“Dove it is then,” Cain says softly, bending to kiss her head gently.

“I’ll go stall your girls. Give you a few minutes to finish up and get more comfortable.”

“I knew I loved you for a reason.”

“You mean other than my chiseled face and washboard abs?” He grins before heading out.

“Cocky bastard,” Dmitri mumbles, but his eyes don’t leave Dove.

“Me and Hunter will go grab you something to eat. You gotta keep up your strength, and I’m not sure the food in here is actually suitable for human consumption. Do you want anything in particular?”

“Surprise me.”

“You got it.” He kisses me and Dove before stepping aside and waiting while Hunter kisses us too.

“We won’t be long. We have our cells if you need us,” Hunter adds.

“We’ll be fine,” Dmitri reassures him.

With a nod, he leaves, Griff following behind him, closing the door.

We sit in silence watching Dove until she falls asleep, content just to marvel over her.

“Is it everything you hoped it would be?” Dmitri asks me quietly.

I look up at him. “Our lives?”

He nods.

“No. It’s a thousand times better than I imagined it could be. What about you? Any regrets?”

“Only one.” And I know he’s talking about his sister.

“But this here, you, her, them, you all make it better. You fill in all the hollow spaces.” He lifts Dove gently from my arms and stares at her in awe, but it’s tinged with a touch of sadness.

“I remember the first time I held her too. Two precious girls born in two different worlds.”

He sighs, kissing Dove’s head before placing her in her bassinet.

“Do you ever think about finding her? Now that your uncle is gone?”

He climbs back up onto the bed beside me and pulls me into his arms.

“I know where Katia is. She’s safe and happy, and as long as nobody ever figures out the connection between us, it will stay that way.”

My heart hurts for him, knowing he’d love nothing more than to have her in his life. But by doing that, it will put her back on the Bratva’s radar.

“It’s sad she’ll never know she’s a Russian princess with a hero for a brother.”

He grins then, surprising me.

“Funny thing is, she still went on to become a princess, only this time of an MC.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. What are the odds?

“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

The end

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