Page 42 of Bred By the CEO

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The woman on screen simply smiled, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes. For the first five minutes, not a whole lot happened, they introduced her, talked a little about her life and Darius’s life, and then the big question.

“So, where have you been for the last five years?” the reporter asked.

“I’ve been a hard-working mom, attempting to make ends meet, and if it wasn’t for my brother, and him employing me, I probably would be out on the street, fighting for my child.”

As an opening went, it took Rose by surprise.

“What is this?” Rose asked. “She never said anything about this.”

Darius stepped back, and as she went to his side, his sister started to talk again.

“You see, some people thought I had abandoned my father, but the truth is that he kicked me out. He disowned me because I was stupid enough to get knocked up. That was me quoting my dad. He didn’t like the fact I had gotten pregnant out of wedlock. He wouldn’t have any dirty secrets in his lineage.”

“Don’t you think that is an old-fashioned—”

“Archaic view? Absolutely, but you see, that’s the thing about my dad. They’re his views, and he has been hiding it for so long. I don’t know what I would have done without Darius. He’s been an amazing uncle to Elliot, and I can say my son absolutely adores Rose as well.” A picture suddenly appeared on the screen, and it was one of Rose and Elliot. It had been taken in the evening, her hair was wild, no makeup, and she wore jeans that had seen better days, but she had loved playing cars with him.

“See, whenever Rose and Elliot are in the same room, I can guarantee toys are everywhere.”

“And your father, he has never seen your son?”

“Never. After Elliot was born, I tried to see him, but I was escorted off his property by a guard, and then from his place of work by the police. He no longer had a daughter. I was dead to him.”

Rose couldn’t believe it.

Darius’s sister didn’t stop there, she talked extensively about what it was like growing up with Arnold Blackwood. The abuse, the falseness for the cameras, every single little piece of dirty laundry was spilled out for the world to see and hear.

Rose moved back and sat down with Darius, taking hold of his hand. She was aware that his father had planned something similar, an exposé on her and his engagement, possible lies, and plenty of deception.

“Wow, just wow, I think I speak for us all when I say I am shocked by what you’ve told me,” the reporter said.

She nodded and then shrugged. “The truth can be very shocking.”

Not only had she spoken about her experience, but she had also provided relevant documentation, including a letter written by her father’s lawyer for her to stop contacting Arnold Blackwood. It was pretty harsh stuff. Rose had been alone her whole life, but she honestly felt for this woman on the camera.

One decision had changed her whole world.

“So, I guess, I’ll come around to it. Your brother, Darius, is marrying a woman that has had some … rather horrible rumors attached to her.”

“I can say that Rose is no gold-digger. She’s not after his money. Her feelings for my brother are real. My father has also tried to bring an end to their relationship. It’s the reason I’m here, the reason I felt I had to finally make a stand. I won’t have my father ruin my brother’s chance at happiness. I’m aware people will think I’m lying, but I know my father intended to run an exposé on Rose. He was going to try to tear them apart because the truth is this woman my brother has found is a rare gem. She is so sweet and kind, but she is also so damn scared. She needs to have people in her corner.” She looked into the camera. “Rose, I’ve got your back.”



Darius turned to see his sister enter the main changing room that he’d gotten ready at the church. When it came to Rose, he wanted everything to be right, to be perfect. This was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he wanted to give her the fairy tale she deserved.

“Yeah, I can see you’re freaking out. Do you want to run away?”

“Hell no,” he said. He didn’t want to leave Rose. No, he was more worried about her. She didn’t like change or chaos. “Is Rose still…”

His sister laughed. “Rose is still getting ready. Actually, she looks beautiful, and yes, she’s nervous, but that’s because of you.”


“She’s worried you’re going to realize your mistake and make a run for it.”

“Not a chance.” He had been pining for this day. For the past few months, he had personally put a rush on everything to have the perfect wedding available within a short amount of time. It had been exceedingly stressful to do, but he’d achieved it.

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