Page 30 of Bred By the CEO

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Darius didn’t want to get out of the car, but the press was already waiting. There were always celebrities at these events, and people wanted to see them in all their glory.

“What’s going on?” Rose asked, looking like she wanted to shrink back into the leather of the seats.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Hold my hand and smile. It’s going to be fine.”

Rose stared at their hands locked together and hesitated. She finally gave him a squeeze, and then he let her go to climb out of his car. He accepted the flashes of the camera and kept his gaze on Rose as she slowly slid across the seat and stepped out with him.

No matter what, his father was not going to destroy this for him.

Chapter Nine

Rose narrowed her eyes to avoid the onslaught of lights flashing at her from every direction. She felt completely overwhelmed. There were spotlights, news cameras, and photographers everywhere. All the glitz and glitter was new to her, and she wasn’t so sure she liked any of it. Still, she was here for Darius. She had to learn to play her role as his PA and romantic partner or she’d be back where she started—in some subbasement punching numbers and only dreaming of Mr. Right. There was no way she’d risk her new relationship.

“You okay?” he asked.

She gave him a tight smile and a slight nod. He held her hand, not trying to hide they were a couple, which somehow surprised her. Part of her expected him to be ashamed of her, to keep her hidden away from the outside world. But everything he’d said about her and them must be true. He introduced her to so many new people with no hesitation. The only thing that gave her pause was when he called her his date. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but she wanted to be so much more. A date implied she could be quickly replaced for the next event. It was just a word, but she was paranoid.

Several men walked through the crowd carrying large silver trays of champagne. Darius reached over and snagged two glasses. He gave her one of his sexy smirks, and her heart melted a little bit. He looked incredible in his custom suit, his broad shoulders and tapered waist highlighted. His deep-red tie and pocket handkerchief matched her dress perfectly.

“Come on,” he said.

She followed right behind him as he navigated the throngs of people. One thing she did notice was the fact he kept scanning the crowd as if looking for a specific face. Maybe an old flame? Rose really hoped to avoid any confrontations or being compared to one of his old Barbie doll girlfriends. Most of the women there were tall, thin, and perfect. They laughed and mingled like they were born to be in the spotlight. Rose just wanted to disappear.

They reached an alcove between two oversized planters.

“Try it,” he said, passing her a glass.

“I don’t drink.”

“It’s sweet,” he said, taking a sip of his own. “I think you’ll like it.”

She gave it a try and grimaced. Rose couldn’t understand how people loved this stuff so much. “It’s good,” she said.

He narrowed his eyes, taking the glass from her. “You’re a terrible liar.”

After setting both champagnes on the edge of the wainscotting, he cupped her cheek with one hand, his thumb tracing her lips. He stared at her as if memorizing every detail of her face. It felt intimate, as if they were the only two people at the event.

“Something’s bothering you,” he said.

She shrugged. If she was such a terrible liar, she didn’t want to attempt it again.

“Tell me, Rose. You can tell me anything.”

“I know we haven’t been together long. I mean, it’s all been a whirlwind. But what are we? What’s this?” She waved her hand back and forth between them so she didn’t have to spell it out.

“What brought this on?”

“Tonight, I’m your date. Those are temporary and forgettable,” she said.

He smirked again. “You’re anything but forgettable, Ms. Henshaw.”

Darius took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Wait here for a few minutes. I’m going to find out where we’re sitting. Okay?”

“Okay.” She faked a smile, watching him walk off.

He’d avoided the topic like a pro, brushing off her worries. What did she expect? That he’d jump through hoops and proclaim his undying love? She was being an idiot and would push him away if she kept being so damn needy.

Should he have said girlfriend or significant other? Those sounded awkward, so maybe date was the best word he could come up with.

“You’re Darius’s PA, no?”

She whirled around, thinking she was alone in her little nook away from the crowd. There was a man she’d never seen before standing right behind her, holding a glass of champagne. He took a sip.

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