Page 2 of Bred By the CEO

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She wished she could disappear or, at the very least, start the day over without the idiotic idea of coming up here to demand a promotion. Was it too early for a mid-life crisis?

“How hard is it to take care of a four-year-old?” he asked aloud. There was no humor in his words. The man was pissed off. “Elliot, get over here!”

The little boy rushed over to Mr. Blackwood and jumped up into his arms with no fear whatsoever. They must be father and son. The CEO of the company had a way with children. She couldn’t wipe the dumb smile off her face because they were so damn cute together.

“What’s your name?”

She clammed up. Was he actually talking to her? Rose turned around to make sure there wasn’t someone else behind her. There was no one else. To make matters even worse, she pointed to her chest until he nodded.

“Rose. Rose Henshaw.”

“Do you work for me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then you’ve just become my nanny for the day.” He set Elliot back on his feet, gave her a wink that settled right in her panties, and then returned to his office. She stood there dumbfounded. What had just happened?

The man with the pink tie leaned in close. “Whatever plans you had for today, cancel them. When Mr. Blackwood tells you to do something, you’d be smart to comply.”

“Right. Of course.”

She was ushered away by several employees to a large, nearly empty office with breathtaking views. Toys were spread out on the carpet, along with a buffet of kid-approved snacks. Elliot flopped down and began playing with his trucks.

Rose sat in one of the office chairs, staring off at the views. She’d never met Darius Blackwood, and he was much more than she expected. There was just something about him. An instant attraction she couldn’t shake. Although he didn’t have classic good looks, he was masculine, imposing, and impossibly addicting. He had dark hair and evil eyes. She could envision many inappropriate encounters with her boss. Too bad he was married with children. All her fantasies would have to stay locked in her sick head.

About ninety minutes later, Darius himself walked into the office, closing the door behind him. Where was his entourage?

“I’m sorry about this morning. I was swamped. The kids’ day plus a couple of important meetings didn’t mesh well.”

“It’s no trouble. Your son is adorable.”

“My nephew. He’s the closest I can get to the real experience.”

Rose loved that answer.

She wanted to ask if he was married, but there was no point. It wasn’t like she had a chance in hell with a man like him. Rose wasn’t sure if she should even go through with her original plan—to convince the CEO she deserved a raise.

No words came out.

“I’ve had half a dozen women in the office attempt to tame this little guy, but you’re the only one he’s taken to. You’re a natural. You must have children of your own.”

She scoffed. “No, not me.”

“You should. You’d make a great mother.”

“I think I’d need a husband first.”

And to actually have sex.

He smiled at her, a little tilt of the lips, but it was sexy as fuck. Then he just stared, like she was some kind of special attraction. What was he thinking?

“You said you work for me. Where?”

“Accounting. B2”

“Way down there, eh?”

She shrugged. “I’ve worked there for four years. I don’t like complaining, but I haven’t received a single raise since I started. I work overtime and even weekends when needed. I guess I’m started to feel underappreciated.”

There. She’d done it. Put it out there.

It wasn’t like she was asking for the impossible. Some of her coworkers who were hired long after her had received generous raises. It made no logical sense.

“Have you spoken with your manager?” He clasped his hands behind his back, walking back and forth in front of the windows in slow, measured steps.

Rose scoffed. “Numerous times. I thought coming up here to speak with you directly would help.”

“That’s why you were up here this morning?”

Rose nodded when he looked her way.

“Are you used to getting your way?” he asked.

She rose to her feet, trying to straighten out the lines in her skirt while maintaining eye contact with her boss. “No,” she said matter-of-factly. “But I thought it was about time I stood up for myself.”

Mr. Blackwood had no idea how far she’d come or what hell she’d been through in her life.

He raised an eyebrow, and she stopped breathing completely.

Had she gone too far? Insulted him? She closed her eyes and wished she could wake up and redo the entire day.


Darius had been checking his watch, waiting for the first chance to get out of the office so he could drop his nephew back at his sister’s house. Who the hell had invented “take your kids to work” day?

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