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Dealing with Hadley’s family was easy compared to leaving her in the room with a man who has caused her emotional pain. I’m not a fucking fan of it.

“If you don’t stop grunting, they’ll think they have a wild animal in here,” Ryan comments from beside me.

We’re both facing the door that she’s locked behind. “What’s your take on the brother?” I ask Ryan, ignoring his remark.

“Background check says he’s former Army, on the front lines. Most of his file is redacted, but he was medically discharged last year after most of his unit was slaughtered. He almost didn’t come home.”

“You did a check on everyone, didn’t you?” I slide a look his way. He remains passive.

“It’s what you pay me for.”

“Anything I need to know?” If something blows back on Hadley because of her family, I want to be warned.

“Plausible deniability,” he mutters. Which means no, nothing threatening. “He’s got monsters, and I’d like to get him help.” Ryan is also a former Army Ranger. He probably feels responsible for the younger man.

“Whatever you think is best.” He’ll do it with or without my permission, and for Hadley’s peace of mind, I hope he can help.

When the door opens, I step forward and grab it, finding Hadley looking a little sad as her brother follows her out. Reacting out of concern for her, I pull the man into a hug and tell him, “Ryan’s a Ranger, let him help,” and then let go just as quickly because I know he’s not going to want to tell me a damn thing.

“Sweetness,” I groan when she wipes the wetness from her eyes. “You kill me with those tears.”

“Gotta keep you in line.” She smarts off, and I know she’ll be just fine. Ryan has a word with Hendrix as my girl and I walk to the door. “You have things to do today?” she asks, suddenly shy.

“I do. But I’ll be back to pick you up tonight.” Burying my face in her neck, I breathe in her enthralling scent.

“Anything in particular you’d like me to wear?” She’s breathless as she asks.

“Purple. Maybe blue.” I pull back to look into her eyes, and my dick throbs at the dreamy look on her face. “Nothing underneath.” A seductive smile crosses her lips. “High as fuck heels too.”

“We going anywhere in particular?”

“I have a business dinner at the Cardi.” One of the fanciest restaurants in town. “I’d like to show you off.”

“Arm candy, huh?”

“Yup.” I grin when she smacks my arm.

“What time?”

“I’ll be here by seven.”

“I’ll be ready.” Pulling her close, I steal her mouth for a sultry kiss, biting her bottom lip as I let go. Leaving has got to be the hardest damn thing I’ve done all day.
