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Chapter Thirty-One


“I’ve wanted to taste you since the moment I laid eyes on you,” Caspian says, stalking in a circle around me. “Not because there’s anything particularly special about you. But because you belong to my brother.”

“I don’t belong to anyone,” I growl, glaring up at him.

“Brave words,” he says, arching his brows. “But hollow and false. Because if that were true, little Violet here wouldn’t have gotten so angry that she cast aside decades of loyal service to make a deal with me. Isn’t that right, Violet?”

Violet simply scowls down at me, arms crossed over her chest.

Caspian stops pacing. “What do you think, Luciana? Torture first, or pleasure?”

“Anything you do will be torture, you sick fuck.” I spit on his shoes. I need to make him angry. Because he won’t be smart when he’s angry. He’ll be too caught up in emotion.

“Torture it is, then,” he responds, a wave of heat coming off of him.

I have no doubt he gets off on that more than he does anything involving sex. Violet watches us, biting her lip in anticipation, skin flushed. She’s clearly in that same camp.

With a shove of magic, Caspian flips me onto my back. Then he kneels next to me, one hand hovering over my body. He moves it back and forth, debating where he’s going to start, making a show of it. Trying to make me scared. And I am scared. But I also know that fear can be a powerful motivator. Fear, along with pain.

“Looks like you already cracked a rib, Violet,” Caspian says, wagging a finger at her. “Rude of you to get started without me.”

He turns back to me. “Ah, of course.” His mouth widens into a grin as he points his finger at my face.

A flash of pain lances through me as the skin begins to split open beneath my eye. As he moves his finger, not even touching me, his magic cuts into my skin, down across my cheek, spilling my blood. I gasp.

“That pretty little face,” Caspian purrs. “My brother won’t like it so much anymore.” He shrugs. “Of course, he’s probably dead by now.”

My heart stops. Sebastian is dead?

“But it wasn’t really that face that lured him in, now was it?” Caspian continues. His eyes travel down my body. “It was that sweet little snatch.”

Terror spikes through my veins, and I can see Violet lick her lips. Caspian moves his hand until it hovers over my thighs. And then, without warning, agony lances through my entire body.

It feels like lightning is forking through my veins, like the Hellfire that consumed me that month I was in a coma, my mind living in Lucifer’s sulfurous pit of black despair. I’d never known such pain as I knew during that time, when the monsters came for me. But I’d learned something else during that time. I’d learned how to withdraw into a deep corner of my mind.

I’d learned how to endure.

I shove past the pain and kick Caspian in the chin with all my strength. He flies backward and I spring to my feet, my magic enveloping me. Violet’s eyes go wide with surprise.

“You should have cuffed me,” I snarl.

I raise one hand toward each of them and release my demon magic. I’ve been scared of it ever since I woke up from my coma. Before I’d even felt its presence I’d been scared of it, because I knew it was there, even when I tried to tell myself I was just a witch again.

But I’m not afraid of what I am anymore.

Every ounce of my power and my strength blasts into Caspian and Violet. My magic, both demon and witch, the flames and the stars both. The anger and the pain that’s built up inside of me since the moment the Night Guild abducted me. I let it all go, out of me and into them.


I hear the voice behind me, but I don’t turn.


This time a hand claps onto my shoulder from behind, and I spin. Sebastian is standing there, but I can’t stop the magic. I can’t turn off the power that I’ve unleashed. The whole room is shaking, pebbles and dust dropping down from the ceiling above. Wind rushes like a hurricane around us. Flames burn in my eyes and envelope my limbs. I can feel a hole forming at my core, a swirling vortex that’s going to tear me apart.

Sebastian doesn’t step away from me. Instead, he reaches out, and he pulls me into him.
