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Chapter Nine


Sebastian abruptly takes a step back. “I think that’s enough for now.”

I blink up at him. “What?”

He smiles and shrugs. “I think you need some time to consider whether you want to belong to me or not.”

“I see.” I cross my arms over my chest. “So, unless I submit to you, we aren’t going to have sex?”

“That just about sums it up.” Sebastian grins wickedly.

“You’re a real asshole, you know that?” I draw in an unsteady breath, trying to calm the rushing of blood and magic through my body.

“So I’ve been told.” He reaches out and brushes my curls behind one ear, his thumb stroking across my cheekbone. “You know, most people would beg to be mine, Luciana.”

I straighten and step out of his grasp, picking my dress up off the ground. “I’ve always been told I blaze my own path.”

If this demon wants to play hardball, we can do that. I know I should just go along with him. I’m here to spy, not prove a point. But Violet said Sebastian goes through a woman a day. If he burns through me too quickly and I no longer amuse him, I’ll be turned out before the demon summit even begins.

Plus, maybe this will give me a chance to clear my head before I get too carried away. Sebastian is too tempting, too dangerous.

“I can see that,” he says. The sun is setting, casting golden hues across the garden and Sebastian’s pale eyes. He seems undaunted by our stalemate. If anything, his eyes hold the gleam of a challenge. “Well, I think you’ve had enough adventures for your first day on the job. Go back to the guest cottage for the night. Meet me back here at ten tomorrow morning.”

“And what’s the plan for tomorrow?” I ask.

His face holds a flicker of shadow for a moment. “Tomorrow the rest of them will arrive.”

I nod. “I’ll make sure I get plenty of rest, then.”

Sebastian takes a step closer to me. “You’re going to dream of me,” he says in a voice like midnight and smoke. “You’re going to wish you weren’t getting plenty of rest.”

His voice sends a shiver up my spine, and my sex throbs. “Maybe you’ll dream of me, too,” I whisper.

I don’t bother putting on my dress. I turn and leave the walled garden, striding across the courtyard in my underwear toward the cottages. I don’t look back to see if Sebastian is watching, though I can feel his eyes on my back. It’s a big risk to turn down a powerful demon like Sebastian. But my instincts are telling me it’s the right move.

When I get back to the cottage, I make myself a sandwich and text my sister.

Got the job. So excited.

This first text is straightforward, but we’d come up with our own secret code to indicate things from here on. If I don’t send her certain coded phrases every twelve hours, they’ll know I’m in trouble. There’s a whole series of them that I’ve memorized, so if things go south and someone tries to pretend they’re me, the Raven Society will know it.

After I eat, I set down my phone and go take a cold shower. I certainly need it after this rollercoaster of a day thick with sexual tension. As the water courses over my body, Sebastian pops into my head. His chiseled jaw. His clever hands. The lean lines of his body. He looks damn good in a suit, but I want to see him out of it…

My body is still all wound up from our encounter in the garden. Without conscious thought, I find one of my hands gliding across my torso, down between my legs. I bite my lip as I remember Sebastian’s hand there mere minutes ago. His expert touch, the feel of his lips at my neck, the way he’d pressed me against the wall…

My finger moves faster as Sebastian flows through my mind. Pouring the sparkling wine over my blouse, licking it off. The hard press of his cock against me. The dark swirl of his magic. Those pale eyes burning into mine. Ripples of pleasure build within me, and I lean back against the marble tiles of the shower stall, eyes closed and breathy as the water pounds down.

Sebastian’s thumb on my clit… his magic which nearly brought me to climax with just the smallest of pushes. The tip of his finger barely entering me…

I cry out and convulse as my orgasm hits me, and magic lashes off of me. That magic that doesn’t feel like my own, this new power within me.

Sebastian was right. I am dreaming about him. But I’m not even asleep yet.

I finish rinsing off and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself. This is bad. The last thing I expected on this mission was to get all hot and bothered by some evil genius billionaire demon. He’s driving me to distraction, and I’ve only been here a few hours. Why does he make me react like this?

I suddenly feel like a stranger to myself.
