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Chapter Fifteen


I turn the horse and squeeze my legs to urge him forward, but Blake grabs the beast’s halter. “What are you doing?” I snap. “I don’t want to keep rehashing this with you, Blake.”

“I’m not moving until we finish this, once and for all.” His blue eyes burn into me. “I heard you back at the campfire. You said I hated you. Do you really think that?”

A groan rises from my chest. “Yeah, for the most part. You’re mad at me for being a grieving daughter. That’s really unfair and stupid.”

“Is that what—”

“You shut your mouth, Blake Blackstock. You wanted to talk, so you let me finish.” I can hear my Scottish accent kick up because I’m mad as hell. “Do I regret how I handled things? That I left you and Luciana, and haven’t come back to visit once? Yes. I absolutely do. Especially now, with what’s happened to her.”

I draw in a shuddering breath and my shoulders slump. “It was just too painful. Yes, I’m a coward for not facing it sooner. But every moment I spend here reminds me of my parents, and how I let them down.” Tears sting at the corners of my eyes, and I wipe them angrily away. “If I hadn’t been with you that day, maybe I could have done something. Maybe they’d still be alive.” My words come out like fire and thorns, burning and tearing at my throat.

Blake walks around and places a hand on my thigh. “Tamsin… you couldn’t have saved them. They were killed instantly in that car crash. Healers can heal the living. But they can’t save the dead.”

“But maybe if I’d been home…” I shudder again. “I don’t know. Maybe I would have changed things. They would have left later and avoided the other driver.”

“And maybe you would have gone with them, and then you’d be dead, too.” Blake’s jaw rolls, and his eyes flash. “You can’t blame yourself for what happened. It was a terrible accident. You didn’t let them down. And neither did your magic.”

The tears escape then, for the second time today. Blake reaches up and pulls me down from the horse and into his chest. I can feel the heat from his body, and the beating of his heart. The simmer of his magic, both warlock and wolf.

“I could never, ever hate you Tamsin,” he says softly, his voice vibrating in his chest. “You’re a part of me, just as much as this land is.”

I lean back slightly and look up at him, into those eyes that are so familiar. Blake’s arms are wrapped around me, and in this moment, I don’t want to be anywhere else in the whole world. Until he said them, I didn’t know how much I needed to hear Blake say those words. To let me know he still cares.

And as much as I’ve been trying to tell myself I don’t, I still care, too.

My magic sparks out of me unbidden, a swirl of green light that spirals around us. I feel a rumble in Blake’s torso, a growl from his inner wolf. He pulls me closer and bends down, his lips meeting mine. Heat sparks between us, so much heat we could thaw the wintry landscape around us. He kisses me slow and long and deep, one hand cupping my ass and the other around my shoulders. It’s like he’s drinking me in, every ounce of me, tasting me, claiming me.

And I want more. I want all of him.

I run my hand along the front of his jeans and tug at the buckle. His already lengthening cock grows even harder and twitches against my hand through the fabric. Blake lets out another growl and lifts me, carrying me toward a tree a few feet away. I wrap my legs around his waist, and our tongues tangle. I need Blake in a desperate way like I’ve never needed anything in my life. Needed him ever since I left all those years ago, and the built-up longing feels like it could burn down the world.

We crash up against the tree and I gasp as Blake’s lips move down the side of my neck. He yanks my jacket open and tugs down my sweater, kissing along my collarbone. He bites my shoulder, which sends a spike of pain and pleasure through my core, then he plants kisses along the tops of my breasts. One of his hands moves under my sweater and he begins to swirl his thumb over my nipples, one and then the other. I moan, my hands running through his thick hair, crushing his face against my chest.

We’d just been kids when we’d been together before, a naked tumble with no skill or finesse. But Blake has clearly had plenty of practice since then. Every touch sends a wave of bliss through my body. My sex throbs as he begins to kiss down my stomach. When he reaches the waistline of my tights, he peels them off of me like I’m a present he’s unwrapping.

He flicks his tongue over my clit, and my eyes flutter back in my head. My back arches off the tree, and a cry of longing escapes my throat. “Oh God, Blake…”

“Look at me, Tamsin,” he says, his voice low and rough.

His blue eyes connect with mine. He’s kneeling in the grass, his face just inches from my sweet core. “I want you to remember this if you ever think about leaving me again.”

And then he buries his face between my legs.

I can’t help it. I scream. Ecstasy rockets through my body as Blake penetrates me relentlessly with his tongue. His hands dig into my ass, pressing me harder against his face as he alternates between sucking on my clit and diving in and out of me over and over again. Magic wraps around us, hot and cold at the same time. He growls as he ravages me, and the vibrations push me over the edge even faster.

Stars form behind my eyes and my magic pulsates like an aurora borealis around us. My climax builds like a storm, swirling up through my body. I start to shake and shudder, and Blake buries himself even deeper inside me, his tongue moving even faster. The ripples of pleasure intensify, more and more and more… and then the storm hits, both thunder and lightning at the same moment. I cry out as I am lost to it, and still Blake doesn’t slow. My hips buck and I collapse into him, but he continues to enter me, pushing my orgasm even further.

Finally, it subsides, and Blake withdraws his tongue. It’s without a doubt the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.

I collapse to my knees in front of him and he kisses me, letting me taste my own sweetness on his tongue. My head is buzzing like I’ve had a whole bottle of whisky, drunk in the best possible way. I unbuckle his belt and whip it free from his jeans, then slide my hand inside his pants. He’s so hard, and a whimper of desire rises out of me. I run my fingers along his shaft, and he moans into my mouth.

Then he flips me over so fast I gasp. My back hits the ground and I wrap my legs up and around his hips, my hands tugging down his pants. His dick slides free, long and hard as a sword. Blake kisses me furiously, and the tip of his shaft slides along my wetness.

It’s at that moment the sky opens up and a torrential icy downpour sweeps down on us. Lightning splits the horizon, and wind like a hurricane rushes down from the hills.

“No,” I groan. “We still have time.”

Blake’s blue eyes burn into me. “When I fully join with you, Tamsin MacPherson, it’s not going to be rushed. I’m going to go slowly, I’m going to savor it. I’m going to worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped.”

He scoops me up, tugs my pants up, and carries me to the horse. Then he leaps up behind me, and we gallop across the moorlands for the safety of the estate.
