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With their blessing, they sent me off so they could get on the road again.

When I walked my mom to her car, I let her know that my next step is asking Kinsley to marry me, she patted my cheek much like she did when I was younger, “My sweet boy, I can’t wait for Kinsley to be a permanent fixture in our family. Now go ask her, and for God’s sake, give me some grandchildren to spoil rotten.”

I kissed her check, then asked the obvious question, “You going to move back if that happens?”

“I just might,” she blew me a kiss and left me standing there speechless. All this time she’s been gone, healing and taking care of herself. Her newfound confidence is startling, but I love the look on her.

Now, I just have to figure out how I want to propose to Kinsley.

I make my way back home, knowing that Kinsley is there, cuddled up on the couch, flipping through the TV channels. I smile at that picture. A lot of the time, when I’m home, I’ll have the television playing softly in the background, and Kinsley will have a book out. I’ll catch her gaze engrossed on the TV, or looking at me, especially when I wear my reading glasses. I’m not ashamed to admit that those moments are some of my favorite.

Making it home in record time, thank you Sunday for little to no traffic in town, I park my SUV in the garage. Seeing Kinsley’s car already parked beside mine solidifies what I already feel deep in my soul.

I get out, making my way inside, and just like I suspected, Kinsley is on the couch, except she’s passed out, dead asleep. This weekend must have worn her out more than I expected, making a mental note to ask Kate to place a help wanted ad for the coffee shop. Kinsley has been meaning to do it, but things keep popping up.

“Kinsley, baby,” I whisper into her ear. My hip is on the couch as I move the hair that’s fallen over her eyes.

“Luke, hmmm,” she mumbles, slowly opening her eyes.

She’s so beautiful, but here like this, just waking up in my house, it’s probably my most favorite of all.

“Come on, let’s go on up to bed,” I look at my watch and realize it’s early. Really too early to go to bed, but if she’s tired, well, I’ll tire her out some more.

“No, I’m okay. Feel like going to get sushi instead?” she bats her pretty eyes.

“Yeah, let me change and we’ll head out,” I say and kiss her, deeply with all the built-up passion I have to give before leaving her in a blissed out state.



I open up Topped Off with some pep in my step. Unlocking the door, Stan is already ready and waiting.

“Hey Stan, how are you today?” I ask him.

“Hey Kins, couldn’t be better. How about yourself?” he replies.

“I can’t complain, life is going great my way. You want your usual?”

“That would be good, maybe add in one of those croissants with chocolate that Sloane bakes,” he asks as he pays for his coffee and food.

“Sloane’s croissants are amazing,” my mouth salivates thinking about the one I’m going to devour myself.

I hand Stan his change, he grabs his drink and food, making his way to his usual spot to read his newspaper.

Making my rounds, doing my usual routine around here, checking to make sure we’re well stocked. It only takes a few minutes. I’m really lucky to have the staff that I do, mentally make a new priority on top of my list though, hiring one more team member, it’ll give Kate and I both some relief.

I hear the bell ring from the door opening, I look up and there is Luke. He’s in a three-piece suit looking devastatingly handsome.

I’m behind the counter and instead of him coming behind here with me, he stops in front of the counter. That’s when I notice he has his own cup in his hand.

“Hey, is everything okay?” I ask him.

“Good morning, everything’s great. Can you fill me up?” he hands me his cup. I don’t recognize this one, it’s nothing I’ve seen at either of our places. I stop to look at it, and that’s when I see what he’s done. In his own refillable cup, he’s written, “Kinsley, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” I drop the cup on the counter, look for Luke, noticing that he’s come around to where I’m standing. He’s down on one knee, a ring box in his hand, but other than that, I have nothing left to say. I launch myself at him, kissing him with everything I have.

“Is that a yes?” Luke questions after our kiss.

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