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“That wine you had, I don’t know what it’s called, the red. I would love some of that this weekend,” she almost moans for it. I make a mental note to keep it on hand. I would never tell her how much that certain wine is, she’d faint, and never allow me to buy it again. I don’t flaunt my wealth, but there are certain things that I like.

“Whatever you want, it’s yours,” and I mean that in more ways than one.

“Gah, what did I ever do to land you in my life,” she asks.

“I’m not sure, but I don’t know how you dealt with me for as long as you did, with all of my grumpiness.”

“You weren’t ever grumpy, just in your own head,” I let her down, we walk inside the house.

“I’m still thankful you got my head out of my ass, you know.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” she replies with a wink.



I clean my house with minutes to spare, it shouldn’t be a surprise if my place wasn’t clean. I mean my parents raised me, they know me through and through.

Still, it’s a one bedroom, that means sheets need to be washed and the bathroom. Oh gee, Luke wasn’t kidding when he said if I picked up after myself it would be easier, too bad I’ll probably never learn how to do that.

A knock on the door lets me know my time is up. I guess what’s done will have to be good enough.

“Coming,” I say out loud as I make my way to the door. I’ve learned my lesson, my door is shut and locked.

I open the door and not only are my parents on the other side, so is Luke. He’s in his casual clothes, looking handsome as ever.

My parents wrap me up in a hug, laughter ensues, along with hugs and kisses.

“Hey, you guys are here early,” I say.

“Hello dear, no we’re on time. Please tell me you at least straightened up,” mom jokes.

“Leave her alone, Ellie. She’s been busy. Come here, my girl.” I’ve always been a daddy’s little girl, he’s always stuck up for me over the silliest things, just to get my mom’s goat.

“I see you picked up a handsome stranger along the way,” I say after our hugs are over.

Walking to Luke, he brings me into the side of him, my hand over his heart, “Hey,” my voice still breathless every time he looks at me in that adoring way.

“Hello beautiful,” he gives me a light peck on the lips. I want nothing more than to take the kiss deeper, but I know with my parents here, that won’t be happening.

“Claude, look at the two of them. That is the sweetest thing I have seen. Well, except us of course,” her voice takes on a dreamy tone. They’ve been married for twenty-five years. I’ve seen the up, downs, ins, and outs a marriage can go through. Yet, they still soldier on.

“I see them with my own eyes, Ellie,” My dad retorts.

“I guess we should go inside and get you settled, are you sure you’ll be okay here?” I ask.

“Of course, honey bunches. This place is bigger than the RV we have, it’ll be like we’re in a hotel, and the coffee shop downstairs has its perks too,” she winks.

“I’ll go grab their luggage, be right back, baby,” Luke says giving me another peck to the lips. And then he’s headed down the stairs, I watch him until he disappears.

“I really like Luke for you,” my mother states.

“I’m glad, because I love him,” I respond.

“Daddy, what about you? Do you like Luke?” I ask with my hopes up.

“Honey, any man that can look at you the way he does, put up with your messy ways, and deal with your mother and me, he’s perfect for you,” dad nods his head.

“I’m so excited you’re here this weekend, I really did miss y’all,” I bring them both in for a group hug.

“We missed you too, but not enough to move home and settle down. Well, at least not yet. You give me some grand babies, then we’ll talk,” Luke takes that moment to come back in, hearing what mom said.

“I’ll be working on that, well a ring first, then a baby, Mrs. Alexander,” he states.

“Oh pshh, none of that Mr. And Mrs. stuff, you can call us Ellie and Claude. Now, both of you shoo out of here. I haven’t had a shower this big in years. We’ll see you two tomorrow.” Mom hugs both of us.

Dad gives me a hug and shakes Luke’s hand, then we set off for Luke’s place.



We’re back at my place, we swung by Michelle’s so Kinsley could meet my mom. Kinsley didn’t want any awkward or stilted moments tomorrow with everyone here.

My mom and Michelle hugged her like she was their child. Even Michelle said I snagged a great one and to not let her go. I agreed, then we said our goodbyes and headed home.

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