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“You really do know everyone,” Mason quips, finishing his beer already.

“Most people in this town have animals which means I know most people in this town.”

“No wonder you said it'd be nice to disappear for a little bit,” Josie says quietly, so only I hear. It surprises me a bit that she remembers that part of our conversation from a few days ago.

“I, for one, am very glad to have gotten to know you,” Poppy tells me. She turns to Mason, picking up her nearly empty drink. “But I don’t know you very well. And you seem quite interesting. Didn’t you say something about a top-secret mission the last time I saw you?”

Mason leans in. “That I did. But I’m afraid I can’t give any details.”

“Oh, of course not.” Poppy finishes her drink and scoots even closer to Mason. I knew I should’ve stayed home with my dogs. I let out a sigh and take another drink of beer. A waiter comes over, bringing two plates of food for Poppy and Josie.

“Well,” I start, thankful to have a reason to leave, “It was nice seeing the both of you. We’ll let you eat in peace.”

“Stay!” Poppy rushes out, putting her hand on Mason’s arm. “We’re enjoying the company, aren’t we Josie?”

Josie is suddenly concentrating very hard on unwrapping her fork from the napkin.

“Josie?” Poppy repeats. “You don't mind if they join us, do you?”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Of course not,” I say through gritted teeth. I saw a random night out with Poppy going a million different ways, yet this is not an outcome I ever would’ve expected. Sitting here, watching Poppy shamelessly flirt with anyone is awkward enough, but it’s made ten times worse when said person is Jacob fucking Harris’s brother.

And then let’s add the fact that Jacob is sitting right next to me. To be fair, he looks just as uncomfortable and annoyed with his brother as I do right now.

Really, neither Poppy nor Mason are doing anything wrong. They’re both single and we’re at a bar on a Thursday night. That’s what normal adults do, right? I wouldn’t know. I haven’t attempted to date anyone since my last relationship ended in a restraining order.

“You guys are welcome to stay,” I go on, trying to sound a little more convincing this time. “I feel bad eating in front of you, though.”

“Don’t,” Mason tells me. “We were going to order food anyway.”

“Great.” I force a smile and stab my fork into the pasta.

The bar gets more and more crowded as the minutes tick by, but, thankfully, the burger and fries that both Mason and Jacob ordered come out quickly. Poppy is on her second drink by now, and she keeps touching Mason’s arm. I don’t know if I should admire her for being so brazen or trade out her gin and tonic for a water when she’s not looking. She has a horse show in the morning as well and, while I’m sure she has everything already packed and has grooms that will load up her horses for her, no one wants to show horses hung over. Hell, no one wants to do anything hung over.

“Is there like a special occasion or something going on?” I look around, realizing that the bar is officially now standing-room only. I finished my pasta but I’m still nursing my drink.

“The special occasion is that this is the only place open right now,” Mason tells me. “And this place closes around midnight on weekdays. Makes me really miss the city.”

“Which city?” Poppy asks. She’s been slowly scooting closer and closer to Mason so much though that she’s practically on his lap now.

“Most recently Atlanta,” he tells us. I’ve been watching him and Jacob silently communicate throughout dinner. They can only be a few years apart, but I’m guessing just based on their interactions that Mason is the younger brother. He reminds me in a way of my own brother, and I by no means find it endearing to know that Jacob is close with his sibling. Nope. It’s not sweet at all.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and end up waiting in a rather long line. When I finally get back to the table, I’m surprised to see a completely new party sitting where we had just sat. I turned towards the bar, expecting to see Poppy and Mason getting their third drinks for the night.

But they are not there.

Okay… Maybe Poppy went outside for some fresh air? Loud music starts to play, drowning out the talking and laughter floating through the air from the bar’s patrons. I hold my purse close to my body and try to make my way through a crowd of older women. They all have fruity drinks in their hands and are wearing sashes that say, “finally divorced”.

I think I hear someone call my name but when I turn, I get smacked in the face by one of the older women’s breasts. She sloshes her drink down her hand and laughs as she apologizes to me. I reach into my purse for my phone as I continue walking through the bar. I am several feet from the door when a hand lands on my shoulder. Jumping, I whirl around and see Jacob.

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