Page 8 of Get Further

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I had to laugh. “It gets worse when she’s had a few...or better depending on what side of that mouth you fall on.”

“I bet,” J.P. said. “But, no little miss smarty-pants, this is the symbol for swingers, and if you think sex is overrated, then take it from someone who’s had all kinds of sex. You’ve been having the wrong kind.”

“So, you’re an expert?” The snark still lingered in her voice.

“I’m sure I could teach you a few tricks, young lady.”

I didn’t miss the way Kara flushed when he called her that. Hell, I’d like to see him play teacher myself.

J.P. leveled his gaze at me. “And now I know why you’ve been flirting with me all day, Cole.”

He leaned forward. Now I was red...and instantly getting hard.

“I changed my mind. You two don’t need another Band-Aid on top of the one you’ve built your lives on. You need someone to rip that fucker right off, and then maybe you can get back to being the people in this picture.” He tapped his phone and pointed to a candid shot of Kara and me he must have taken without us knowing. Kara had a drop of red wine staining the corner of her mouth, and I’d leaned in to wipe it away with my thumb. I’d wanted to kiss her so badly at that moment; our eyes had even locked for a second or two. Then she’d dropped her head to her shoulder playfully and pecked me on the cheek with a quick word of thanks.

“You said you do everything together, you just don’t have sex, right?” He waited for our confirmation. “That doesn’t mean you can’t share intimacy. I mean, look at that picture. You are completely caught up in how much you care for each other. Maybe you just need someone to help you find a bridge to get to that place more often. And let’s also stop being coy about the ‘open for business’ signals you’ve both been giving off.” He began to pluck at the buttons on his flannel button-down.

Kara opened her mouth to protest, but J.P held up his finger.

“Do not pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. You’re not that subtle.” J.P. smiled. “I’m not complaining. I could do with a little fun myself.” He arched an eyebrow. “But what I really want to know is if you’ve ever seen Cole fuck before.”

I answered for her, despite my shock over his question. “No...uh...never.”

Kara circled her finger over her glass. “That’s not exactly true. There was that one time in college when you thought I was passed out on the couch. Well...I wasn’t.”

“You didn’t say anything.”

“I didn’t want you to stop,” she said and reached forward to touch my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I should have given you your privacy, but...I was drunk, and I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was only thinking about how hot it was...seeing you like that.”

“Shit, Kara...” I said, kind of lightheaded from the idea.

“You see. We’re getting somewhere already,” J.P. said and eased closer to me. His shirt hung open now, and I had a good look at his tight abs and defined pecs dusted with dark hair that laid flat against his skin. “Are you a bottom?” he asked.

“Not always,” I said with an eyebrow raised, indulging the attraction I felt for him. “Are you a top?”

The grin brewing in the corner of his mouth was conspiratorial, to say the least. “Not...always.”

I glanced at Kara, who looked completely invested in our every move. I’d be lying if I said the concept of her watching wasn’t a favorite pick in my fantasy collection. “You really want to see?”

“Cole, what do you think I’m picturing half the time when I’m...You know...”

“The word is masturbating,” J.P. said. “Come on, say it like a grown-up.”

She looked up at him through her long dark lashes. “Mast-ur-bat-ing.”

“Proud of you,” J.P. said with a soft, smoky chuckle. “If you can say it, you can do it. Let me get a look at your technique. See if you know what you’re doing.”

“Do I know how to get myself off?”

“Do you know how to make yourself speak in tongues?”

“Kara is so competitive,” I said with a laugh, easing into this crazy idea. “You’ve just baited her into the biggest orgasm she’s probably ever had.”

“Well, we’ll see. Won’t we?”

Kara’s eyes were glassy with lust as she soaked J.P. with her gaze and put her now empty glass of wine down on the table next to her. She’d been tucked up against the arm of the sofa, but unfolded her legs from beneath her now. With one teasing finger, she guided the hem of her peasant dress up her thigh. “I had a thing for my psych 101 teacher,” she purred. “You remind me of him. All authoritative and bossy.”

“You want authoritative? Stop acting like such a tease and take off that dress.”

She bit her lip and lifted it up enough to swipe it over her head. “Yes, sir.”

The throaty lilt to her voice surprised me. “How come you never say that to me?” I asked, leaning back since J.P. was in the process of unzipping my pants. My voice was more than a little shaky.

Kara shrugged. “You’re not a sir. You’re—”

She seemed to forget what she was going to say when J.P. pulled my cock free. He stroked up the length of it and I wasn’t sure which was more of a turn-on, the feel of his hand or the look on her face.

“...hung like a horse,” she finished on a heavy breath.

“This is a beautiful cock, Cole. I can’t believe you’ve had it hibernating for so long.” He lifted my balls out of my briefs, and my dock pants slid a little lower on my hips. Then he bent over to lick up the side of my shaft, and my toes curled in my fucking shoes. I couldn’t stop looking at Kara, who had started to ease her fingers into her panties.

“Do you believe in synergy?” J.P. asked me after another tantalizing pass of his tongue.

Oh damn, what that tongue was doing to me. “Uh...I guess I do.”

He stroked my length with one hand and opened the fly of his jeans with the other. “It’s like a closed circuit built on a common passion that flows electricity between people. You don’t need words to know it’s there. It’s a spontaneous spark and it’s magic.” He swung his leg over me, straddling my waist, gliding his cock against mine with one purposed roll of his hips. “If this is what it takes to loosen you two up and create some synergy for the camera, I’m all for it.” He gripped the sofa back over my shoulder and captured both of us in his other hand. “Plus...look at you...I mean, it’s not exactly a chore.”
