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My hands grip the steering wheel harder at that thought. Why did I keep it? Why didn’t I throw it away and be done with it?

From that day on, I decided to be the best father that I could be, even if it meant sacrificing my happiness. Clay and Izzie were more important to me than anyone else; most of all me.

Shaking the past from my head, I turn the key in the ignition, bringing the engine roaring to life as I head back to the studio. There’s no way that I’m sending the kids back here next week; I won’t let them be a pawn in this game she’s clearly playing.

It takes me about twenty minutes to get there and when I do, I find a spot a couple of cars down from the studio. I start to open my door but two figures have me stopping in my tracks.

I watch as a man and woman walk down the cobblestone path, the moonlight illuminating them as they get closer. My jaw clenches as I see Edward with his arm wrapped around Harmony’s shoulders.

Why is he helping her?

My eyes widen as I realize he probably knew she was back. Has he been talking to her all this time? Working with her so that she can do whatever the hell it is she’s doing here?

They stop before they get to a car a couple of spaces ahead of me and my gaze flits over her auburn hair that is pulled up into a ponytail with a slight wave to it. I can almost feel the softness, imagining the way that it would feel as I run my fingers through it. I can almost smell the honey and almond scent that would wrap around us with the movement.

I smack my palm off the steering wheel, hating where my thoughts immediately go.

My eyes narrow into slits and my hands clench into fists as I watch Edward take her arm to help her get into his car. He’s a traitor; a traitor who I’ve treated like family.

I don’t move, not when they’ve driven off, and not when people start to spill out of the studio.

It’s not until I see Clay and Izzie with my mom and Amelia that my body finally gives in and I push open the door, sliding out and catching Izzie as she runs at me.

“You missed it, Daddy!”

I open my mouth to apologize when Clay pipes up. “We should ask Miss J if you can see everything next week at watching week.” He pushes his glasses up his nose and I smile, trying to cover the anger that is consuming my whole body right now.

I want to blurt out that they won’t be coming back next week; there’ll be no watching week because they’ll never be near her again.

“Maybe,” I manage to get out as I strap Izzie in her seat before Mom slides in between her and Clay.


I interrupt Mom, knowing what she’s about to say. “Not now,” I tell her, my voice leaving no room for argument.

She flits her eyes between mine and relents. “Okay.”

“Where’s Edward?” I look behind me as if I’m expecting him to appear at any second, only I

know that he’s not going to.

“He… erm,” she stutters. “He had something to take care of, he’ll pick me up from your place later.”

I nod, knowing she’s withholding information from me before slamming the door shut and climbing into the driver’s seat, catching Amelia’s gaze in the passenger seat as I pull out of the spot I’m parked in. I can see the questions in her eyes but I’m not willing to answer them, at least not yet anyway.

Over the years Amelia has become my confidant, and I know I can talk to her about anything: she knows about Harmony, although not everything, but enough to know that Harmony being back will affect me, but she doesn’t know how much.

“You okay?” she whispers.

“I’m fine,” I grind out, the silence in the car deafening.

She nods her head but doesn’t say anything else as I blow out a breath and look back out of the window wondering what I’m going to do.

Life just got a hell of a lot messier.

Artic Lake—Heal Me

Emile Sande—Read All About It Pt.III
