Page 17 of Beautiful Inferno

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“We’ll decorate it the way you wanted to, Maya,” Zeke said.

I shook my head. I didn’t want to feel comfortable here. This room has shown me what I shouldn’t forget: I didn’t belong here. He didn’t belong with me. Maybe we were both black in this world, but he was the night sky while I was a self-built cage of darkness. And our resemblance ended with our roots. We could’ve never been together. He’d left me once and would leave me again.



She was different.

When she first opened her eyes, I saw the girl I loved, the one who brought me to my knees every time she looked at me with longing. She’s the one who had power over me, whenever she touched me, even though I had to stop her each time. Her beautiful dark eyes were always full of passion although her life was a mess. Her smile was the brightest I’d ever seen on a person even though she didn’t have much to smile about. But when I got back into that hospital room after talking to her doctor, that girl was gone. Her eyes were dull, reminding me of the moment I saw her in that bathroom. The fire in her had left her. There was only emptiness, a shell in the place of the girl who haunted my every moment.

I thumped my head against the wall I was leaning on in my room. She was in the next room, but the distance between us was much more than the wall that separated us. I watched her as she was sitting on the bed like a breathing statue and tried to find a way to bring her back, but I knew her well enough to understand that nothing I would say could help her. I knew she was angry at me, I knew she was afraid that I would leave her again. I could read her better than I read myself. And it hurt. She and I were so much alike. Dark eyes, dark hair, fair skin, but our resembles were so much deeper than that. Our souls were the same, just like Catherine and Heathcliff. And I could feel hers was suffering as much as mine. I couldn’t stand seeing her like that even though seeing women struggling or in pain got me off, her pain was at another level, so I left her.

You left a girl who lost her soul because of you. She’s alone in an empty, soulless room just like its owner, my self-hatred snarled at me, and there was nothing I could say to defend myself.

She was sitting on the couch, drawing sketches in her notebook. Her face glowed whenever she let her pencil touch the paper. She became ethereal with her beauty, looking at her always left me breathless. My eyes roamed over her figure. The creamy skin of her legs was on full display with the denim shorts she was wearing. I knew the first button of her shorts was open, her body gained womanly curves this year her old denim shorts were tight on her. The flare of her hips filled the fabric so good, it made me dizzy.

What the…

Shaking my head, I focused on her face. It was her birthday today, yet she was in her own bubble, oblivious of the day she graced this world with her beauty. That pained me. She was just a fifteen-year-old girl who should’ve been thinking about partying and getting drunk, but here she was, looking like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. The melancholy mixed with her beauty was haunting, soul-shaking.

I walked toward her with determination in my steps. Her gaze left the sketch she was creating only when I stopped right in front of her. Her eyes smiled at me from their dark depths. The look so happy, carefree, and trusting. The look reserved only for me.

I peeked at her sketch, and something inside me shifted. It was me. I was smiling in her sketch, and I knew that was how I looked when I looked at her. I only smiled at her, for her.

“You flatter me. I don’t look this good,” I taunted her, only to see the blush cover her cheeks.

“You do, and you know it,” she fired back. My beautiful baby girl.

My heart grew in my chest as I looked at her.

“Get ready. I’m taking you out,” I blurted out.

“What?” she breathed out, and I swallowed when her breathy voice caused my dick to twitch.

“We’re going out tonight. Birthday girls shouldn’t stay at home.”

Her shock was such a delight as it was a pain. She had no expectations when it came to herself, even though she deserved the world.

“Go. I’m waiting right here,” I urged her.

With a smile and a bounce in her steps only happiness could give, she went to her room. Leaving me behind with a heart that hammered in my chest and a dick that had inappropriate ideas for someone who was forbidden.

It was the best date I’d ever been on. Pathetic for a guy like me, I know. It was fucked up, thinking that she was my niece. But it was what it was. At least, I didn’t try to sugarcoat it.

What kind of man would have thoughts like this for his own blood? What kind of man would like a girl he’d grown up with, he’d taken care of? What kind of man was I?

And I didn’t just have thoughts about her. I acted on them. I pulled her to sin.

Like this wasn’t enough, I then left her.

What kind of man w

ould fucking do that?

A monster. A devil. That was what I’d been.

A devil who should’ve been punished and locked up.
