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Why indeed? Cam sat, smoothing clammy palms over his trousers. He felt a tad light-headed. Must be the early flight coupled with a missed breakfast. And the fact that he hadn’t had more than a handful of hours’ sleep since Didi had left. ‘Didi’s mentioned me, I presume.’

‘Both my daughters have mentioned you. The question still stands—why did you think I wouldn’t speak to a man who’s been seeing a lot of my daughter in recent weeks? Some might say he’s the one man I would want to speak to.’

Cam fought the urge to clear his throat. The sound would be another sign of nerves James would pick up on. ‘Didi and I parted…Didi left under difficult circumstances.’

For the first time, James’s mouth allowed a hint of humour to tease the edges. ‘Sounds appropriate—Didi’s always been difficult.’ He tapped a fist against his chin and the humour disappeared. ‘When you say parted, are you talking personally or professionally? I was under the impression you were offering her a permanent spot in your gallery and intended liaising with her on future sales.’

‘That’s true. I will continue to give her all the support she needs, wherever she chooses to base herself.’

‘So it’s personal.’ Leaning back, he folded his arms, ostensibly at ease, but those cool eyes remained steady on Cam’s. ‘What has Didi told you about our family?’

Diplomacy, here. ‘To be honest, not a lot. During our conversations she told me she felt as if she never fitted in.’

James nodded as if it came as no surprise. ‘She certainly didn’t fit the criteria for your average child and that’s not changed. Did she tell you that at five years of age she cut her mother’s imported silk brocade curtains up to make matching dresses for herself and her doll?’

Cam had to smile. ‘Curtains were mentioned.’ Just not the cutting of them.

‘We tried everything. Best schools, overseas with extended family. We suggested uni; she wouldn’t discuss it.’ He shook his head. ‘Never could compromise, that girl. In the end we had to stand back and watch her go. To let her find her own place, make her own mistakes. Damn hard not interfering.’

His eyes drilled Cam’s and Cam knew he was referring to their living arrangements—previous living arrangements. He nodded. ‘Didi makes her own choices.’

‘Did she talk about Jay?’ James asked.

She was virtually stood up at the altar. The words still rang in his head. ‘Jay…’

‘It was a whirlwind romance—too serious too fast. They were engaged in a matter of weeks. A couple more weeks he was gone, back to his former girl. Broke Didi’s heart.’

A knife twisted in Cam’s belly—he’d hurt her too. ‘Killed me to see my little girl so gutted.’

Cam nodded. He knew the feeling well. Didi’s father wasn’t what he’d expected. He genuinely cared about her, and she couldn’t see it.

Still, James O’Flanagan might seem like a reasonable guy, but would Cam still be of the same opinion in the next few moments? He took a steadying breath and rose. If he didn’t have command of the situation at least he could feel that he was in control of his own body. Except that the floor shifted like quicksand beneath his feet and someone was siphoning the oxygen from the room because it was suddenly airless.

But Cam’s gaze was direct, his focus steady as he faced James. ‘I need to tell you—’

The sound of women’s chattering spilled through the doorway, cut off the moment the two women appeared.

Cam felt it all the instant he laid eyes on Didi—the sexual zing, as strong as ever, the flash of like recognising like. The quiet simmer of something stronger, something deeper—the foundation on which the rest was built.

She looked impossibly fragile and tiny in black leggings and an oversize windcheater, which had slipped off one shoulder exposing a turquoise bra strap and the glint of platinum chain he’d given her. He could smell her honey and almond scent from across the room.

Guilt rode him hard—that last evening he’d been so cool, so distant and unapproachable. He’d hurt her. He wanted to go to her, drag her into his arms, tell her he was sorry and never let her go, but he remained standing where he was.

Didi had heard Cameron’s rumbling voice as she reached the open doorway and everything inside her, every thought, had spun in a thousand different directions. Why was he here?

And then she forced herself to peek inside and there he was. Looking at her as if he wanted to eat her up. He wore fawn trousers and a deep blue suede jacket that accentuated his navy eyes. His white casual shirt was open at the neck revealing his tanned throat.
