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Quinn and Margot followed with their three children, two girls and a boy. Evonne was now seven, Nora was four, and Tristan was two. Tristan was a ten-pound baby and gave Margot a hard time throughout the whole pregnancy. They needed to do a C-section because he was so big. Margot didn’t want to go through another rough pregnancy, and they agreed that three kids were enough for them, so she got her tubes tied. All three kids had dark hair and brown eyes. Evonne was outgoing and bubbly like her mother, Nora was more laid back and calm like her father, and Tristan looked liked Quinn, but he acted…well, he was a lot like his Uncle Sebastian actually, which was pretty funny sometimes. Quinn liked to tease Margot, saying that she must have cheated on him with Sebastian and that Tristan was Sebastian’s son. But after a few flicks of her deadly wrist, he stopped teasing her about that.

Lastly, was Christian and Shea with their two children. Of course, there was Skylar, who was eight and a gorgeous little girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She called Shea “Dad” and Christian “Daddy.” She’s had some issues at school with other kids giving her grief about having two fathers, but she’s done really well dealing with it on her own. Then there was Greyson, who was three. Christian and Shea had decided that they wanted another child, so they found a surrogate and used Christian’s sperm and a donor egg. They got lucky and the surrogate got pregnant on the first try, and nine months later, Greyson Beck was born. Anne swore that the Beck men had the strongest genes she has ever seen because that boy looks exactly like his father, just like the rest of them do.

It was the most beautiful picture she had ever seen. “You guys!” Anne breathed and looked around at the smiling faces of her family.

“Do you like it?” Christian asked.

“I love it, thank you all so much,” Anne said, her voice trembling.

Henry and Christian leaned the picture up against the wall then moved in to give her a hug. Quinn and Sebastian followed. She never realized how big her boys were until they were all hugging her at the same time. She felt super small all wrapped up in the middle of the four of them.

“Love you, mom,” Sebastian said.

“I love you all so much,” Anne sniffed.

After her sons let her go, Claire, Raelynn, Margot, and Shea moved in to give her individual hugs. Anne could not have asked for a better family. Her sons had grown into fine men, wonderful husbands, and exceptional fathers. How she had become so lucky was beyond her. She loved her family dearly and she knew that her grandchildren were in the best hands, and that they would grow to be great people.

The End.
