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I’m so deep in my thoughts that I don’t hear the shower door open. Hands wrap around me from behind, startling me. I feel a cheek against my back and assume it’s Aly, since only she and Sosie have a key to my apartment. I sigh in relief, grateful she’s sought me out.

“Baby, I’m so glad you’re here,” I tell her with a smile, feeling her hands slowly moving down my abs, making their way to my cock. I look down at those hands and pause, my smile fading in confusion.

Aly never paints her nails red.

I turn around and my jaw drops open in shock when I see Tori standing there and not Aly.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I roar in fury, my vision going red in anger. I feel like I need another shower to wash off the poison from her touch. “Get the fuck out of here!” I twist the shower knob off with one hand, and with my other, wrap it around her bicep and walk her out of the shower. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist, not offering her one as I walk into my bedroom to grab my cell phone to call the police. I look at my screen to see I have two missed calls from Sosie and one from Aly. Fuck!

“Awe, sweetie, why are you acting this way? You know you’ve missed me.” She tries to reach for me, but I sidestep around her and start picking up her clothes that she’s left all over my floor. I follow the trail into the living room, and once they’re all picked up, I push them into her arms.

“Get dressed and get the fuck out. How did you get into my apartment?” I question with narrowed eyes. I had my locks changed after we broke up in case this kind of shit happened.

“Money will buy you everything, Gavin.”

I look at her in disgust, seeing she’s exactly like her father, and it makes me realize I don’t want to be associated with these two anymore.

“It will never buy me! I’m filing a restraining order against your psycho ass.” I watch her throw back her head and laugh, as if I just told her the funniest shit she’s ever heard.

What in the hell did I ever see in her?

“Go ahead, if you want to watch your career go down the drain,” she threatens with a crazy glint in her eye. She walks over to my couch and sits down to start putting her clothes on.

I need to burn that couch.

I turn to go to my bedroom to get dressed, when I stop dead in my tracks at the sound of a key sliding into my lock.

Fuck, that better not be Aly!

I say a silent prayer of thanks when the door is thrown open and Sosie barrels in. She stops short and looks between me and Tori, her face crestfallen as she sees our unclothed bodies. I grip the towel around my waist tighter while Tori takes her time putting her clothes back on.

“Gavin, how could you?” she cries out in anguish, tears looking like they’re pooling in her eyes.

“How could I what? I didn’t do anything! This bitch broke into my place while I was taking a shower.” Sosie looks over at Tori, who smirks at her in confirmation. “I was just about to get dressed to go down to the police station.”

“You’re committing career suicide, Gavin,” Tori warns while hooking her bra back on. She seems calm right now, but I can see her hands shaking.

“My career was just fine before I met you. If anything, being associated with you has probably tarnished it.”

She shakes her head at me and continues to get dressed. Tori’s reputation in the industry is at an all-time low, making me wonder how many of my peers were actually laughing behind my back when I was dating her.

“If nothing happened, then why does Aly think something did?”

My head whips around back to Sosie, panic starting to fill me at what she’s implying. “When did you see Aly?”

“I just saw her downstairs a couple minutes ago, bawling her eyes out. She told me you two were together. Why would she think that?” Sosie and I stare at each other before we both look over at Tori, whose evil smile confirms she’s behind Aly thinking we slept together.

“What the fuck did you say to her?” I slowly move toward her, ready to haul her ass out of here, but not before she tells me what she did.

She stands up from the couch and slips her feet into her high heels. “I didn’t want to be rude and let your guest think you weren’t home, so I opened the door and told her you were in the shower. I can’t help she assumed we slept together when she saw I was only wearing my bra and underwear.” The smug look of satisfaction on her face causes me to stop thinking rationally. I rush toward her and grip her arms hard, wanting to shake that fucking look off her face.

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