Page 79 of Like Dragonflies

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My phone buzzes again and I expect it to be Sage. Instead, it’s her father.

Charles: I heard the great news! Congrats, kiddo!

I can’t help but beam at his text. After dealing with a lifetime of my dad’s shit, it’s been so fucking refreshing having Charles in my life. He’s the dad I never had. That man is so good to Sage, and since she married me, he treats me as though I’m one of his own.

I reply my thanks and then fire off my confirmation to Zion, letting him know my schedule. Luckily, it’s the start of summer, which means Sage doesn’t have any college courses. My days are free to take on this commissioned art project that’ll take up most of the summer. I’ll call Aunt Darcy tomorrow and give her the good news over the phone. She’ll want to drive up here and see it for herself once it’s all done.

Aunt Darcy surprised me. She’s one of the few people who knows the truth about Sage and me. I can’t say it went exactly as planned, but it ended with acceptance, which is all I could truly ask for from the only mother I’ve ever known. My mind drifts to the past.

“Talk to me,” Aunt Darcy says, her wrinkled lips pursed together as she stirs creamer into her coffee.

My eyes dart around Jimmy’s diner where we’ve decided to meet up. The regulars are at their usual tables, but no one is within earshot.

“Everything’s all cleared up now,” I remind her, hoping to get off the hook for this explanation.

She brings the steaming coffee up to her mouth and gives me the narrowed look that always had me confessing when I was a boy.

“Uh,” I start, and run my fingers through my messy hair. “Eleanor, er Ellie, she hates me because I’m with her daughter.”

Aunt Darcy’s brow lifts a fraction. “Out with the rest.”

“She slept with my dad…” I swallow down the unease. “And she, uh, got pregnant. So Sage is my…she’s my…”

My aunt’s eyes widen slightly but then she sets down her coffee, shaking her head. “Half sister.”

I give her a clipped nod before picking at my nail to avoid her intense stare.

“That’s illegal, you know,” she says.

“Yeah. Apparently I like trouble,” I grumble.

She reaches across the table and pats my hand. “This girl must be worth it for you to give up your glamorous Duncan life to run off with her.”

My head snaps up and I give her a fierce nod. “I love her, Aunt Darcy. I’d do anything I could to make her happy.”

“Because she makes you happy.”

“Over the moon,” I say with a half-grin.

She lets out a heavy sigh. “As long as she’s nothing like her tramp mother and is good to my boy, I can’t ask for more. I’ve looked after you your entire life and I’ve never seen you like this before. Sometimes things don’t work out like they’re supposed to, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work out. I’m here for you, son. Even if you did get a little more country bumpkin than I thought you had in ya.”

We both chuckle and I give her a wide smile.

“Thank you for understanding and loving me anyway.”

“That’s real love, Mars. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ve loved all parts of you, even when you were a little shit.”

I can’t help but smile as I think of how easy it was to let Aunt Darcy in on my relationship. When she finally met Sage, she took to her much better than I expected. Now, they’re close as can be.

Once I’ve made my replies to Zion, I close my laptop and hurry back out front.

“See you tomorrow night,” I call out to some regular patrons as they leave.

I follow them to the door and lock it.

“Put those big muscles to use and put the chairs up,” Aimee barks out. “I’m mopping tonight.”

She turns up some Pearl Jam on the stereo—something Sage converted her to long ago—as she sets to cleaning up behind the bar. I grab a bucket and place some glasses into it from the last table of our night before giving the table a quick wipe down.

“Where’s Fiona?” I ask, as I start setting chairs upside down on tables.

“At her mother’s,” Aimee grumbles.

I make a sour face that has her chuckling.

“My thoughts exactly,” she says.

Aimee and Fiona are engaged and Fiona’s mother has been horrified from the start that her daughter is gay. But Aimee and Fiona love each other. I think it’s one of the reasons why we’re such good friends with them—aside from Aimee being my boss. They understand what it means to have a love others might frown at, and fighting for it anyway. Of course, Aimee and Fiona don’t know about Sage’s and my story. It’s not something we tell anyone. They just know she has a shitty mom and I have a shitty dad. We’re out here trying to start a life, fresh and away from drama.

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