Page 30 of Like Dragonflies

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I quickly yank the ticket out of the window and change my customer’s order from cheeseburger to hamburger like he asked. Jimmy gives me the stink eye when I hand him back the ticket, but I blow it off. Collette waddles back over to me and smiles.

“Spill. You’re usually talking my ear off, and I can practically see all your words just clawing to get out. Tell me more about the girl.”

Leaning my hip against the counter, I can’t help but chuckle. “That obvious I’m thinking about her?”

She rolls her eyes. “Pretty obvious, Mars.”

I like Collette. We never dated in high school. She always had a thing for Ricky Beauchamp’s little brother, Bradley. This past year he knocked her up and it pisses me off he hasn’t put a ring on her finger. She’s one of the few nice girls in this town, and she doesn’t deserve Bradley’s shit.

“Sage is just perfect,” I say as though it’s the only answer.

“Swooning,” she deadpans. “I need more than that. You’re like a brother to me and I need to know the scoop. Don’t leave out any details.”

I rub the back of my neck and shrug. “Big green eyes and the prettiest smile. She’s into art like me. We just have a lot in common.” I give her a small grin. “I took her out last night. She’s a cool girl, Coll. Not at all like the other Ashton Hills girls. Sonic and a ride in The Beast were enough for her. More than enough. She was happy. I made her happy.”

“The Beast?”

“She named my truck.”

Collette chuckles. “I like her already.”

“We went out to a field and watched the stars. I kissed her. A lot.”

Her eyes flash with wickedness. “Oooh, we’re getting to the good part.”

“With Sage, it’s all the good part.”

She lets out an annoyed sigh. “Okay, for real, I’m really swooning now. Sheesh, who knew you had it in ya, Mars? A little poet and I didn’t know it.”

“Hardy har har har.”

She swats me with a rag. “Hush. I’m being serious. That’s really sweet. What’s even sweeter is the way your face lights up when you talk about her. If only we could get Bradley’s face to light up like that for me.”

Irritation bubbles up inside me.

“Want me to kick his ass?” I offer.

She taps the bottom of her chin with her fingertip. “Hmmm, let me think about it.”

As if on cue, Bradley pushes into Jimmy’s and searches out Collette. She points to her section and then makes a sign to me of cutting her neck. I wave my fist in the air and give her a questioning look. She shakes her head sharply at me before bouncing her big, pregnant self over to him.

“Hey, Coll,” I call out to her. “If you’re not busy tonight, let me take you to dinner.” I flash her my flirtiest smile, earning a glare from Bradley.

“Actually,” he bites out at me, pulling her to his chest and hugging her protectively. “Collette’s my lady. Don’t you see her carrying my son?”

“My bad,” I tell him. “I didn’t see a ring on her finger so I thought she was available. Just because she’s carrying your kid doesn’t mean she’s your girl.”

He practically growls at me. Collette shoots me a death glare that I ignore. “She’s. My. Girl.”


Fucker needs to step up.

I give him a two-fingered mock salute and grab the hamburger for my only customer from the window. Jimmy just shakes his head at me.

“Someone’s going to steal your cousin away from him if he keeps fucking around,” I tell Jimmy in defense.

“Let’s hope they do,” Jimmy grumbles. “Dumbass doesn’t see he has a good thing and she’s right in front of him.”

I drop off my burger to my customer and turn to meet the newest person walking in. “Jimmy’s. Glad to serve ya,” I call out. My words die out when my father walks in.

Turning on my heel, I rush back behind the counter and pretend I didn’t see him. When he sits in my section, I suppress a groan. All playful banter and thoughts about Sage take a back seat as anxiety creeps up my spine.

Why is he here?

I fill up a cup of Coke and grab a menu before heading over to Dad’s booth. He nods at the seat in front of me. With a stifled sigh, I hand him his Coke and menu before plopping down. He studies the menu for a moment while I look at him. When he’s not wasted, I see a slightly older version of myself. His coveralls hide the majority of his bulk and his hair is messy. A coat of dust covers his face, eyebrows, and hair. When he’s being semi-normal, I don’t mind seeing myself in him.

His green eyes lift from the menu and he pierces me with them. Only Dad can make me squirm under his stares. Something about them penetrates me. I hate I feel as though he can see the weakest parts of me.

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