Page 42 of Half of Paradise

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“All right. I whored the whole time.”

“Don’t be like that.”

“I got too much on my mind.”

“It don’t help to think about it.”

“I feel like hell.”

“Pull down the shade and get in bed.” She dropped the sheet from her shoulders and uncovered herself.

“People can see you through the window.”

“Pull down the shade if you don’t want them to.”

He went to the window and dropped the shade.

“Do you always sleep like that?” he said.

“Doc Elgin says bedclothes cuts off your circulation.”

“Put the sheet over you.”

“Don’t you like me?”

“You ain’t got to act like a two-dollar whore.”

“You need a benny bad,” she said. “Do nice things to April. It will keep your mind off

it till Doc comes.”

J.P. wiped his face with his hand. He was beginning to perspire. He wished Elgin would get here. They made love in the half-light of the room. He could feel his heart click inside him from the strain. He was sweating heavily now, and his muscles began to stiffen.

“When is Elgin going to get here?” he said.

“He’ll be along.”

“Phone him again.”

She called Elgin; there was no answer.

“Is there any place else you can call him?” he said.

“He makes deliveries all over town.”

“Phone him one more time.”

“He’s not there.”

“Why don’t the sonofabitch hurry?”

“Let’s do it again,” she said.

“I ain’t up to it.”

“Come on.”

“Goddamn it, no.”
