Page 34 of Half of Paradise

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The guards went over and looked at LeBlanc. One of them lifted his head and put it down again.

“He’s bleeding inside.”

“Did you start this, Johnny?” Ben Leander said.

“No sir.”

“Who did?”

“I don’t know.”

Leander walked over and picked up the stub of frayed newspaper from the floor. He held it towards Johnny Big.

“Is this yours?”

He shook his head.

“This is one of your tricks.”

“I didn’t start the fight. It was LeBlanc and his buddy. LeBlanc started throwing things around after you left and we tried to stop him and the kid jumped in.”

“You don’t look too good, boy,” Leander said to Avery.

“Johnny Big don’t look too good, neither,” the older inmate said.

“That’s enough from you,” Leander said.

“Everybody beat up on LeBlanc and the boy tried to help him,” the older inmate said. “J

ohnny thought he could have some fun knocking him around and he got his nose broke.”

“Is that straight, Shortboy?” the jailer asked.

“I didn’t see it too good,” Shortboy said.

“It don’t make any difference who started it,” Leander said, “because all of you are going into the tank until I see fit to let you out.” He spoke to the guards. “Get LeBlanc out of my sight. Put him downstairs and keep him there till I call an ambulance. I don’t want to see him again. Take Johnny with you and get his nose fixed.”

The guards put LeBlanc’s arms over their shoulders and lifted him. His head hung down and his feet dragged across the floor. Johnny Big followed them.

“Wait a minute,” Leander said.

Johnny Big stopped.

“You put something in your back pocket when I came in.”

“I ain’t got nothing.”

“Take it out.”

“Yes sir.”

“Now throw it on the floor and get out of here.”

“Yes sir.”

Leander picked up the razor blade and dropped it in his shirt pocket.

“Come with me,” he said to Avery.
