Page 128 of Half of Paradise

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“We won’t ever have to go without each other.”

“We’ll always be together and nothing else will matter,” she said.

He drank down the foam in the bottom of the bottle.

“Do you want another one?” she asked. “Let’s go to bed. We’ll go out and drink beer afterwards.”

“I know a German place we can go to. They have beer in those big mugs with the copper lids.”

They went into her bedroom and she slid the bolt on the door. She drew the French curtains on the big window overlooking the courtyard. He watched her undress.

“We have such good times, don’t we?” she said.

“We always will.”

“We won’t get tired of each other like married people do, will we?”


“We’ll have each day like this. Always and always and always,” she said.

“Are you very happy?”

“You make me happy in a nice way.”

“You’re getting to be a bad girl.”

They lay on the bed. She put herself close and tongue-kissed him.

“How do you like me best?” she said.

“We’ll take turns. Am I too heavy for you?”

“Ummmm. This is fine.”

“Could we get an apartment together?

“I’ve thought about it, but it would get back to Daddy and I don’t want to hurt him.”

“It’s hard with Denise around.”

“She said she might find another place. Poor thing, I guess we’ve almost driven her out. But wouldn’t it be nice? I’d have the apartment to myself, and you could come over and we could do it anytime we wanted. Again and again and again with no one to bother us.”

“When is she leaving?”

“She isn’t sure yet.”

“Could we let her find us in bed?” he said. “That should hurry things up.”

“Stop being mean.”

“She’s nice, but it will be better when she’s gone.”

“You can come here after work, and we’ll undress and lie in bed and you won’t have to go home. Won’t it be wonderful?”

“Yes, it will.”
