Page 121 of Half of Paradise

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“You’re a good lady.”

“I wish I could take it all away. Do you think about it when you’re with me?”

“I think about your thighs.”

“Always think about my thighs.”

“I like to stay between them.”

“Tell me something else.”

“You have good hands,” he said.

“Do you really forget the work camp when you’re with me?”


“I’m so glad. I want you to be happy. We can stay in a good position and you don’t have to think about anything except me.”

“Can you do it again?”

“I’ll do it any time you want me.”

“I want you all the time,” he said.

“Tell me bad things. I want you to. I think I’m becoming degenerate.”

“Is it good?” he said.

“It’s wonderful. Do it hard. Make me hurt.”

“You’re worse than I am.”

“Is there any other way to do it?”

“Not that I’ve thought about.”

“We’ll find new ways,” she said.

“I don’t think so.”

“Let’s drink some more cognac and make it nicer. Good Lord, I know I’m becoming degenerate.”

“Do you want some cognac?” he said.

“Yes. You can feel the fire go down inside you. Will you mind if I leave you a minute? I’ll be right back.”

She returned with the square, dark-colored bottle and filled each of their glasses half full. She sat beside him and drank hers down fast. It was strong brandy and it made her eyes water.

“Can you feel it get hot inside you?” she said. “Isn’t it nice? I’m going to have some more.”

“You’ll be tight.”

“Will you like me better?” she said.

“I like you any way.”

She drank more of the brandy and set the empty glass on the floor by the bottle.
