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“Hello, I’m Courtney, and this is Rush. We’re actors.” I loved their movie, Lust & Other Problems, not to mention literally all of the others they’ve been in.

“Welcome. Next,” I gesture to the next couple.

“Michaela and Carlton. He’s a senator, and I’m his secretary,” the young girl says.

“You used to be my secretary. You’re my wife now,” Carlton says.

“Welcome. Next.”

“I’m Flora, and this is Paolo. We’re in the adult entertainment industry.”

“That’s where I know you from,” the senator says, grinning. “You guys were great in that epic shipwreck movie with all the topless wenches and cock-out pirates.”

“Oh yeah. That was great,” Michaela says, blushing. Okay, I saw that, but I didn’t think it was all that epic, but there are no judgments here. We’re all here to learn how to get in touch with our partners.

“Welcome. Next?”

“Gene and Kyla. We’re also actors.”

“Jim and Portia. I play football, and she’s a model.”

“Alright, let’s begin. Each position will have you staring into your lover’s eyes most of the time and touching them always. Position one will be a partner breathing exercise. Sit back to back and cross your legs, resting your hands on your knees.”

“I’m Everett,” my new partner says, extending his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Everett. If you get uncomfortable with any of the poses, just let me know.”

“I think I can handle it,” he says, making me smile. We get into position.

“Now, really take heed of how your feeling as you inhale and exhale—taking notice of how your ribs feel against one another,” I say. I feel every movement from Everett, and my pussy throbs harder. After about five minutes, I move the class into a temple pose. Throughout the next hour, we move through the basic asana or poses until I end the class with a Savasana. I’ve never felt so connected to someone without even speaking to them. The room empties out until it’s just Everett and I left.

“That was intense. Thank you for letting me crash your class.”

“It was no problem. Will you join us again next week?” I ask, wondering if I will ever see him again. God, please let me see him again.

“If that’s okay. I work at the hospital next door, and this is the closest gym to my apartment.”

“Are you a doctor?” I ask, wanting to know more about him.

“I am, but I am currently doing a surgical residency.”

“Like Grey’s Anatomy?” I ask, trying to lighten the air between us. It’s still intense and more than a little sexually charged. My body doesn’t feel like my own right now.

“Not exactly; I’ve never slept with anyone at the hospital,” he says, chuckling.

“That’s good,” I say.

“This might be a little forward, but given what we just shared, would you like to grab a drink?”

“Oh, I’m not old enough.”

“God, tell me you’re legal,” he groans.

“I’m twenty,” I say, giggling.

“How about some pancakes then?” he asks.

“Pancakes sound great; I just need to clock out. Wait here?”

“Sure,” he says, putting his shoes back on.

I head off in the direction of the locker room but take another look at him over my shoulder. He’s staring at my ass, and I am more than alright with that, so I put a little more swing in my step. Maybe he’ll want me as much as I want him.



Spending an hour in various almost, but not entirely, sexual positions with her were pure torturous ecstasy. From the moment we met, I felt connected to her, attached even. I don’t want the night to end. She comes back out of the locker room wearing an oversized sweatshirt; her bright blue sports bra is no longer visible. Damn.

“Ready?” she asks.

“Yes.” Leaving the gym, we walk down the street a few blocks to the restaurant. We sit down at a table.

“So, how’d you get into yoga?” she asks, getting settled into the booth.

“My mom,” I reply.

“Your mom?” she asks, opening the menu.

“Yeah, I went to Hot Yoga with my mom for four years,” I say proudly. It might be weird, but I love my mom and it was just something we did together.

“What? You Hot Yoga’d with your mom for four years?”

“Not exactly. At first, I just drove her. I had just got my permit and she wanted me to practice, or so she said. I didn’t find out until later that she’d gotten a DUI and had her license revoked. Either way, I chauffeured her around and got practice in. Every Tuesday and Thursday she had a Hot Yoga class in Short Hills, a fancy neighborhood about twenty minutes from our house. I usually sat in the car and waited for her. One night, about two weeks in, it started storming, so I went inside with her. I wasn’t going to participate, but the teacher made it look so relaxing. She was a little old lady from India, Prisha. She was kind. She took the time to teach me the basics before getting back to the class. It was ninety minutes of pure sweat and torture, but I went to the next class and before I knew it, I was a regular, never missing a class. I even picked up some classic yoga classes at my gym as well. If we had to partner up for something, I partnered with Prisha or one of the other ladies in the class.”

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