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Trouble is, I know that despite what’s happened today, I’m stuck on Leo. Whether I like it, want it, or not.

Chapter 6


Stumbling through the crowded dancefloor of the Gladstone’s country manor, I tug at the full crimped tulle and organza skirt of my ivory dress. My lungs burn as we push through the guests at Arabella’s grandfather’s eightieth birthday party and my feet are killing me. Fleur hasn’t let me sit down once since we arrived.

“I swear to God, they always put the toilets as far as they can from the party. Don’t they get that when you drink you need the loo?”

“Maybe don’t drink so much!”

“Don’t be stupid!” Rolling her eyes, Fleur squeezes my hand and just as we’re about to make it off the dancefloor—with the ballroom doors in sight—a warm, clammy hand closes around the top of my shoulder. Turning to see who it is, my eyes catch for a moment on deeper, greener ones.

Ones that I’ve been trying to avoid like the plague all evening, but I’ve been failing miserably. Leo’s everywhere I look as he navigates the party with the kind of care-free swagger that makes you think every dirty thought under the sun, even without the experience behind them.

But right now, with my stomach at my feet, I feel like a fool. I’ve spent so long obsessing over him, even with the shitty way he treated me the other day, that it feels like a fist is closing around my heart as I watch him dance with someone else. The bright red of her dress hurts my eyes to the point that nausea is turning my intestines.

I fucking hate her. Whoever she is, because I can’t see her face.

If I were someone else, a bit more like Fleur, I would be marching over to where Leo spins her on the dancefloor, and not only would I trip her up so she fell on her face—I’d claw her fucking eyes out.

Jealousy is a fucker, and it’s the only reason for how worked up I am.

Is it wrong that I want to hurt the girl because I want it to be me he’s holding? Does it make me a bad person to hate someone because they have something I want?

Maybe. All the years of mass and practice have been very clear on the fact that coveting is a sin. And in this moment, I covet Leo

. I crave his attention as I lust for his touch.

Forcing my sight to the man patiently waiting for my eyes, I take a deep breath.

Jack’s familiar grin greets me, and even as I recall the way I had to push him away at Freddie’s party, the resentment I’m feeling towards Leo and his dance partner trumps my sensibility. I’m a little surprised at seeing Jack here, after what happened at the old house, I didn’t think I’d see him again, despite his promise to see me around.

“Hey, sweet cheeks,” he sings.

“Hey,” I reply, laughing back at him. I don’t mean for it to be awkward, but the whole sweet cheeks thing makes me cringe.

Still, he chuckles with me and from behind I can hear Fleur clear her throat. Looking over my shoulder, his eyes light up but then quickly come back to me when she stands beside me.

“Someone this beautiful should always be asked to dance.”

Sighing with an audible cringe as Fleur squeezes my arm, and I have to bite my lip not to giggle when I picture her eye roll.

When I don’t say anything, because I have no idea what to say to his remark, he follows it with, “Would you like to dance?”

“I…ummm…well…” About to give him an excuse, my gaze finds Leo and his girl. The sick feeling in my stomach intensifies and when his light blue eyes follow my line of sight, I rush out a reply, “Sure.”

“Excuse us for a moment.” Fleur turns me to her and then spins us until my back is to Jack. “Are you fucking stupid? Seriously? You’re going to dance with him after what you told me he was like at the party?”

Although her rant is hushed, I still check behind me to make sure Jack hasn’t heard before I answer her. “Didn’t you tell me to forget? Haven’t you told me a million times that I’m too picky?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you go with the wanker that can’t take no for an answer!”

“Relax. Look around you, this isn’t some dark party.” Before she can say anything else, I turn to Jack, ignoring her retort behind me, “You’re an idiot.”

He doesn’t wait for me to offer him my hand, he holds my elbow and leads me right next to Leo, where he proceeds to pull me flush to him, holding our laced hands in the air beside us.

His other hand settles precariously low at the base of my back and although my spine stiffens at the feel of it, I smile lightly.
