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“Ahhh. Fuck. Fuck, yeah,” Syn moaned. “Mmmm. Furi what you do to me.”

Goddamnit this man would be Furi’s ruin. Everything about him was so fucking sexy. The way he moaned. The way he cried out to him. The way he responded to him. And most of all the way he tasted to him. All musk and leather with just a hint of Irish Spring, which he now knew was Syn’s favorite soap.

Syn reached into the drawer of the coffee table and pulled out a condom and fresh bottle of lube he’d stashed in there before he left yesterday. Always good to be prepared, he’d thought.

Furi rolled on the tight latex while never taking his eyes of Syn’s hips. They moved in a simulation of being fucked. His man knew it was coming. Furi was glad that Syn was practically face down, so he couldn’t see the self-satisfied look on his face. Furi popped the cap on the new bottle of lube and saw Syn’s body jump at the sound. He reached up and smoothed his hand down Syn’s spine. His fingertips trailed over each vertebra, loving the chills that wracked Syn’s strong body.

“Furious. Not too much lube. Need you,” Syn mumbled in a hoarse whisper.

Furi grabbed the base of his cock to keep it from exploding. It took a few seconds before he was able to spread a thin layer of lube on his cock. With just a small dollop on his finger he pushed it inside of Syn’s impatient channel. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath before lining up his long cock with Syn’s hole. He tapped Syn’s hole with his cock to tease him a little more, knowing the man was beyond ready to be fucked.

“Furious. Come on!” Syn barked, looking over his shoulder with a pissed expression.

“Oh. You’re not getting bossy are you, Syn?” Furi said softly. It was the same tone he used before he stole Syn’s breath away and jerked his cock like he was trying to skin it. “Are you in control here, baby?”

Syn’s back was rising and falling as he breathed quick, short breaths. He knows it's coming any minute. Damn Furi had never had such fun or felt this type of exhilaration with a partner. If it came down to it, Furi didn’t think he’d ever be able to let Syn go, even if the man demanded it.

“No, I’m not in control,” Syn sighed.

“Who is?” Furi asked his own voice rough with lust.

Syn didn’t answer fast enough.

Furi yanked on Syn’s wrist, the cool metal cuffs clinked together, and Furi slammed his dick into Syn, his pelvis slapping against that hot ass, both men bellowing at the extremely powerful move.

“Furi. Fuck!” Syn hollered. His voice was raw now. His resolve snapping a long time ago.

Furi knew there was no way he’d last longer than a couple minutes, and he wasn’t ashamed. No man could last long in Syn’s tight heat. It was a living, pulsing furnace, cinching and searing his cock in the most erotic way. Furi threw his head back, his long hair falling down to the middle of his back, giving himself just a few minutes to enjoy the sensation before he put his entire focus back on Syn.

“Harder. Harder,” Syn whispered huskily. But Furi heard him. Fuck, he heard and he listened.

Furi got a solid grip on Syn’s sweat-slicked shoulders and yanked him back onto his cock while thrusting his hips forward. Furi clenched his teeth so hard his jaw ached. His man wanted hard, he’d give him hard.

Syn dug his forehead into the carpet, his ass up in the air for the taking. It was a sight like no other. This strong, over-protective, elite task force Sergeant writhing, and crying beneath him, repeatedly begging Furi to pound his ass.

“Like that, Syn?” Furi fucked Syn’s ass like he wanted him to be able to think about nothing else tomorrow but Furi fucking him. He would remember who’d been inside him for at least the next twenty-four hours. He let go of Syn’s shoulders and held on to his wrists, right above the cuffs and yanked on his arms, slamming him repeatedly back onto his dick. Syn yelled to whatever God was listening, but Furi didn’t let up for a second.

“Ahh! Motherfucker!” Syn barked as his ass was taken violently, just the way he’d begged for it.

Furi was gonna blow soon. He paused just long enough to grab Syn’s keys off the table in front of them and quickly unlocked the handcuffs.

“No,” Syn groaned, as his arms fell down to the floor.

Furi tossed the cuffs and hurriedly shoved back into Syn’s warmth. He leaned over the toned back, giving the man his own heat. “Shhh. I got you, baby. But I’m not going to hurt your shoulders.” Furi fucked him hard and deep, snapping his hips so his balls slapped against Syn’s taint.
