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“I wasn’t trying to scare you,” Syn confessed just above a whisper.

“I don’t believe you,” Furi snapped in his ear. In one swift motion Furi wrenched Syn’s pants and briefs down to his ankles, his cock springing free and slapping against his abs. Holy fuck. “I think you enjoyed it. Having me in your element was a turn on for you I get that. But you’re in my domain now, Corbin. And believe me when I say I’m really going to get off on this.”

Syn had no time to react: he was spun around again and slammed back against the door, his hands trapped behind him. He looked straight into Furi’s dark eyes and knew he was in delicious trouble. “Gonna watch every expression that crosses your face while I fuck you.”

Syn was naked except for his pants and underwear bunched up around his ankles. Furi had removed his own shirt at some point and his jeans were unzipped, just the glistening head of his cock peeking out from its foreskin. Syn found himself wanting another taste of the intense man. Furi was doing just what he said, watching him.

Furi gripped Syn’s cock and set up a ridiculously rapid and brutal pace right off the bat.

“Augh. Fuck! Fuck!” Syn yelled, his knees giving out as he fell forward, his forehead landing on Furi’s left pec. “Shit! Too much! Too much!”

Furi pressed his upper body into him, forcing him back up against the door. “Uh huh. Thought I was going to go slow with you, didn’t you? You think you deserve slow and sweet tonight?” Furi pumped Syn’s cock so fast his vision became distorted. Furi’s fingers flew up and down his rigid length in a blur. He wasn’t going to last long at all. Syn’s eyes were clenched shut so tight they hurt. His forehead was creased and every muscle in his body was tense from the overwhelming sensual attack shattering his thoughts and body.

Syn’s body slumped against his lover. His eyes rolled back as he buried his face and growled against Furi’s neck. He bit Furi at the juncture of his shoulder before he could think better of it. Furi kept up the brutal pace on his cock but took his other hand and slammed Syn back against the door.

“Biting, baby?” Furi grinned mischievously. “Trying to hurt me?”

Syn could only shake his head. He really hadn’t meant to bite Furi. But he could see his teeth marks in the man’s shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he huffed. Syn’s face was still furrowed with the intensity of the pleasure, since Furi’s fist hadn’t stopped moving on his cock. He couldn’t think of anything else to say. His brain was slowly leaking out with the pre-come from his dick. Furi knew what he was doing to him; there was no way Syn could be held responsible for his actions right now.

“You need something in your mouth to make you behave,” Furi whispered against his parted lips. Syn’s cock leaked some more. He would need to have his fucking carpet cleaned after this. Furi's cock was leaking as well and he knew the man had to be as turned on as he was. “My cock would look beautiful being shoved down your throat right now, but we’ll wait on that. This’ll have to do in a pinch.”

Syn didn’t get a chance to figure out what that meant before Furi’s index finger was shoved into his mouth. Syn was bewildered at how Furi could be working his cock fast in his tight fist but slowly fucking his mouth with his finger. Syn licked and lapped at the long digit, his hole clenching at the anticipation of Furi putting that finger inside him.

Syn let loose a strangled moan. “I’m gonna come ... can’t take much more,” he damn near whined. He didn’t fucking care. Furi was working him over like nothing he’d ever felt. An orgasm was coming on that was surely going to bring him to his knees. He could feel the burning in his spine, the stirring in his balls as they drew up close to him.

Furi looked dead at him, his face a serious mask of concentration. His upper lip went up into a mean but somehow sexy-as-fuck snarl as he kicked Syn’s legs apart in a move similar to what an officer would use. Syn’s wide stance had him open enough to take what Furi was going to do next. Syn was still sucking on Furi’s finger like it was a cock when Furi removed it and quickly brought it around to his ass. He only had to take his hand off Syn’s cock for a second to pull apart one side of his ass and rub his slick finger quickly up and down that taut bud, heating up the tight skin around it before pushing his finger in fast and not stopping until his palm was against his ass.
