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Syn disconnected the call.

“Man you got it bad,” Ruxs laughed heartily.

Syn couldn’t argue, because he did.

‘Date Redemption’

Furi stepped out of his uncle’s pub fifteen minutes after Syn had called. He had to admit he was anxious to see him. It was unbelievable how much he cared about the overprotective, bossy man already. He’d texted him every couple of hours today, just to say hey. Syn texted right back with his lone responses of 'hey yourself' or 'hey back', and then that was it. Doug stood outside with him while he smoked a cigarette and shot the shit with Jared, the pub's outside bouncer. He’d filled Doug in on what was going on with Patrick and everything Syn had done for him. Doug was Furi’s best friend but he was also another worrywart in Furi’s life.

Furi laughed at Jared who was slap fighting with Doug when he saw a dark Suburban turn the corner and parallel park just a quarter of a block from the pub’s entrance. A tall man in army fatigues and a tight black t-shirt opened the driver side door and got out, slowly looking around as if he sensed something. Syn got out of the passenger side and came around the front, giving Furi a full look at him. Dressed in all black with a leather coat hiding what Furi knew were deadly weapons, Syn looked like every gay boy's wet dream image of a bad boy. His dark hair was tousled, some men having to work hard to achieve that look, but on his man it was effortless. His eyes were almost coal black and when he was just a few feet away, the street lamps illuminated them and Furi could see Syn’s passion for him. Syn closed in, wrapped his arms around Furi’s middle and tugged him tight against his thick chest, kissing him as if he’d just returned from war. Right there on the street in front of his coworker, Doug and Jared, Syn kissed him like he’d really, truly missed him.

Ignoring the wolf whistle behind them, Syn ended the kiss after a moment and dug one hand into Furi’s hair. “Hey,” he rasped.

“Hey yourself,” Furi teased, planting another quick kiss on Syn’s mouth.

“How you doing, Doug?” Syn asked, never taking his eyes off Furi.

“I’m cool,” was all Doug managed to say. “Furi I’m out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Pick me up at eight.”

Doug waved a hand in acknowledgment on his way to his car three blocks down.

“No kiss for your friend?” Syn cocked one eyebrow.

“One, I doubt he’d want to since you just checked my tonsils for me; two, you told me not to anymore, so why are you asking me that?” Furi looked at him expectantly.

Syn ignored the question and posed his own, “Where’s your stuff?”

“Inside, I’ll get it.” Furi raced back in to get his bag from behind the bar.

Furi came back out with his bag over his shoulder. He was glad he was able to get some more of his personal things, like his favorite shampoo, his own shaver, his favorite sex toy, you know, the day-to-day necessities. Syn was still talking with the officer who drove him when Furi approached him and put his lips to the back of Syn’s neck. He didn’t break conversation at all, just kept talking about the meeting scheduled for Monday as Syn brought his arm up to grasp Furi and hold his mouth to his neck. Damn he loved how relaxed Syn was with him. His friend didn’t bat an eye either.

“How’s it going, Furious?” the tall, redheaded officer asked him, extending a hand to him. Furi lifted his forehead from Syn’s strong shoulder to answer him respectfully.

Furi held his hand out to shake the officer's. He’d seen this Detective before. His name was Ruxsben or Ruxsburger, whatever, none of them wore nametags, but he was one of the dicks that brought him in for questioning. The one that needed a lesson in manners. But tonight he seemed friendly, most likely because of who Furi had his arms around. “Pretty good, man. How 'bout yourself?”

“Can’t complain. I’m still vertical.”

Furi and Syn both laughed at the response. No one wanted to be horizontal staring at the ceiling of a church, Furi’s dad used to say.

“I hear you’ve been having some crazy ex problems.” He suddenly looked serious, his light green eyes penetrating. “Sarge is part of the family and we protect our family. If you're with him, then you’re extended family now. I’m Armin Ruxsberg by the way. Call me Ruxs.”

Furi just stared, awestruck as the man spoke.

“If you have a problem Furi, then twenty-three other men have a big ass problem too. That’s our creed.” He reached into the breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a business card, handing it to him. “You ever have an immediate need, you call Syn first, and if for some bizarre reason he doesn’t answer your call, you call me. I always answer that line day, or night.”
