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Each time Furi tried to bow out gracefully, Mack offered up more money. Although Furi needed to stay hidden from Patrick, he desperately needed money. His uncle wanted him the hell off his couch after only a few months.

There was just one big fucking problem with Mack’s porn site. It was hetero porn only, and Furi was so gay he wouldn’t know how to get a woman off if someone gave him a diagram.

So after practically chasing Furi out into the parking lot, Mack had convinced him to do one solo jerk off session for five hundred dollars. Furi figured he’d do only one session and that would get him off his uncle’s couch. That money would be enough to rent him a small room, but of course; one film turned to two, then three ... and it just kept going. Furi had done over twenty solo performances, but now Mack was aggressively trying to convince Furi to do more. Furi refused a blowjob on film. Hell he doubted he could stay hard – he’d refused mutual masturbation scenes and he damn sure wasn’t doing penetration. Now they were offering him a thousand dollars, plus twenty-five cents per download. Fuck. It probably would do pretty well, but the thought of being found by Patrick or his psycho brother made Furi physically ill. Furi calmed his racing heart by convincing himself that there was no way those two fuckers would ever pay to go on a het site, since both his husband and his brother were gay.

Furi closed the email without replying and stepped under the lukewarm water. He released a small sigh, wishing for more water pressure. The small trickles of water that came out of the thirty-year old showerhead were barely strong enough to rinse the conditioner out of his hair. He shook his head at how many small things he had taken for granted when he was married and living in his comfortable condo in Charlotte. When Patrick and his brother were away on business he was happy, it was when Patrick came home that shit turned disastrous.

Goosebumps popped up all over Furi’s taut body. Not because the water was already getting cold, but because once again those memories were invading his head ... no matter what, he couldn’t stop them.

‘Ghosts of Marriage Past’

One year ago.

“Darlin, I’m home. Are you here?”

“I’m coming,” Furi yelled from the second floor. He quickly closed up the Universal Technical School pamphlet he was reading and gathered the other materials, making his way down the metal spiral staircase.

Furi found Patrick in the kitchen loosening his tie. Damn the man could wear a suit. The black designer suit had fine lavender pinstripes that Patrick accented perfectly with a light purple tie. Furi would no doubt be responsible for getting the suits his husband traveled with to the cleaners and returned to his closet. He didn’t know how he’d become his husband's personal assistant, but it had happened, and to avoid argument, Furi didn’t refuse Patrick's requests.

“Is that the kind of welcome you give your husband when he returns home after a week away?” Patrick set his water bottle down on the brown marble countertop and looked at Furi expectantly. “You just gonna stand there looking at me from the other side of the room?”

Patrick’s eyes could pin you in place with one stern look. Furi had thought this extremely sexy in the beginning, but as time wore on, the glare became more feral than attractive. Patrick's hair was jet black, slicked and combed straight back, reminding Furi of Andy Garcia without that annoying widow’s peak. “How was your flight?” Furi asked, moving into Patrick’s muscular arms.

“Long. Anything happening here?”

“Well actually, yes.”

“What’s this?”

Before Furi could tell Patrick what was new, he’d picked up the enrollment package from the auto mechanic school and was frowning while quickly scanning the contents.

“What the fuck is this, Furious?”

“I was getting to the-–”

“If it isn’t mister lazy bones.”

Fucking great. Patrick’s younger brother and business partner, Brenden, came around the corner, fastening his belt buckle. Furi hadn't heard him in the bathroom when he came downstairs. If he had, he may have stayed upstairs.

“I’m not lazy. Did you see the yard?” Asswipe. Not only had Furi completely turned over the entire flower bed, but he’d mowed the grass and gotten his fall flowers in the ground, not to mention the three hours he’d put in at the auto repair shop. Patrick would never know about that last part though. Furi loved gardening ... it was peaceful. He'd started doing it to be out of the house when Patrick was home, but it quickly became an enjoyable hobby. He loved anything he could do outdoors; however, his passion was automotive mechanics. There wasn’t a vehicle with wheels and an engine that he couldn’t fix.
