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“Good.” Furi blew out a breath.

“I’ll take care of it tomorrow, okay?”

“Thank you.” Furi stroked the back of his hand down the inside of Syn’s thigh, loving the low groan that immediately fled those parted lips and filled the space of the cab.

“You’re welcome,” Syn whispered. “Touch me some more.”

“Not here. Go back to your place, now,” Furi ordered.

Syn floored it toward his apartment.

‘One Boyfriend, One Thousand Feelings’

“I’m gonna come with you. I’m in the mood for something to drink.” Syn was already crossing the street behind Furi.

“Yeah right. I know why you’re really coming.” Furi shot Syn a sideways smile.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about. A cold one sounds nice.” Syn feigned ignorance.

“You just said you couldn’t wait to have a hot shower and get me in bed, now you want to walk to the pub and have a drink while I check my schedule?”

Syn didn’t answer. He just winked slyly at Furi and pulled the door open for him. He was keeping Furi in his sight as much as he could. If this beautiful man stumbled, Syn was going to be there to catch him. Syn sat at his usual spot while Furi disappeared into the back. There was only one other person at the bar, most of the customers in the booths having lunch. A petite lady that Syn hadn’t seen before wiped the area in front of him and asked if he wanted to see a menu. “I’ll just have water, no lemon, please,” Syn ordered.

“What happened to the cold one?” Furi was back at his side. His voice ghosting over the fine hairs on the back of Syn’s neck. What had Syn been thinking about that he didn’t see him approach?

“Water is cold.” Syn snaked his arm around Furi’s waist, loving how easily he molded against his side. Syn took a couple of sips and again declined the offered menu.

“Hi Susan. How have you been?” Furi leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“Oh good, sweetie. How about you? How’s school?” Syn watched the easy conversation between them.

“School is fine, I’m actually done. I’ll turn in my final on next week. Then I’ll be consumed with getting my shop open. I just came in to make sure Unc didn’t schedule me this weekend.” Furi smiled.

“Oh Furious! I’m so proud of you, honey! Come here and give me a big hug. Your own shop, how exciting!” Furi chuckled as he watched the woman scurry from behind the bar, her arms thrown wide open for him. Furi hugged her, lifting her slight frame off the floor and spinning her a couple times. She squealed and Syn found himself smiling too. She laughed hysterically while swatting at Furi’s shoulders with her bar towel. “Put me down, you silly boy.”

“We’ll be open next month. So, you be sure to bring your car down and I’ll give you a free tune-up.” Furi kissed her cheek and moved back to Syn’s side.

“Oh, don’t worry yourself with that beater of mine, it’s useless.” She chuckled.

“A car is never useless as long as it runs, doll face. You just bring it to me and I’ll have it purring like a kitten.”

The woman blushed and looked over at Syn. “So who’s your gentlemen caller?”

Furi’s chuckle was soothing. “Gentlemen caller, really Susan?”

Syn stuck his hand out and the woman placed small fingers in his, barely holding his hand. “My name is Corbin. I’m Furi’s boyfriend,” Syn said confidently. He could feel Furi’s surprised eyes boring into the side of his head but he kept his focus on Susan’s happy face.

“Well. You are so handsome. No wonder this one is smiling from ear to ear.” Susan playfully swatted Furi’s stomach with her towel. “It’s nice to meet you, Corbin. I’m Susan. You might as well say I’m Furi’s aunt because I’ve been with that uncle of his for over fifteen years. God bless me,” she laughed again.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Aunt Susan.” Syn presented her a half smile, making her blush.

“Pleasure's all mine. Well, I’m gonna go check on my tables. Are you working tonight, honey?”

Furi and Syn both stood. “No. And I’m off all weekend. I got a ton of stuff to do around the shop.”

She beamed and hugged him again before trotting off.

“She’s nice,” Syn said, holding Furi’s hand while they crossed the street.

“Yeah. If it wasn’t for her, I’m pretty sure my uncle would’ve thrown me out on my ass a long–” Furi stopped talking when Syn jerked to a stop at the curb.

Syn scanned up and down the sidewalk, still keeping Furi close. Something didn’t feel right. Shit. “Go inside Furi,” Syn ordered when he spotted a black Town Car parked a half a block up across the street. The windows were all tinted and it stuck out like a sore thumb among all the other older cars that lined the street. He could see two figures sitting inside. It was obvious they’d realized they’d been spotted because the car revved and jerked away from the curb, cutting down a side street.
