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“Hey Furious, time for you to go ain’t it?”

Furi ignored his uncle and finished mixing a margarita for the woman and a rum and coke for her date.

“Here ya go. Can I get you guys a menu?” After they declined, Furi went back to check on his favorite customer.

“You want another, buddy?” Furi smirked.

“Name’s Syn.”

The deep sultry voice made its way through Furi’s stomach and down to his groin. Syn’s entire persona screamed ‘I’m masculine’. His broad shoulders and firm chest were visible through his thin gray v-neck shirt. Although Furi couldn’t see them from behind the bar, he was sure the man’s thighs were muscular and strong enough to crack walnuts. Syn dragged one strong hand through his dark, medium-length hair, making it spike and fall in different directions. That gesture made Furi notice there was a mean-looking six-inch serpent tattooed on Syn’s forearm. Hmm. Fitting, he’s definitely poison. A predator that could strike and kill when you least expected it. Furi leaned a little closer, but didn’t dare invade too much. “Yeah, you told me your name already, but I asked if you wanted another drink?” Now Furi ran his hand through his hair, and watched Syn follow the movement with those sexy midnight eyes.

“No. I’m good. Thanks.”

“No problem.” Furi winked and clicked his teeth. “Well, I’m outta here.”

Furi heard Syn grunt his goodbye as he turned to pull his old leather coat from underneath the bar. He went to retrieve his tips from the jar next to the register and whispered a couple words to Candy, the closing bartender. He kissed her at the bottom of her jaw, just lingering a little, putting on a show for Syn.

“Bye, Furi,” she squirmed and yelped playfully at the touch of stubble on her smooth skin.

Throwing his jacket on, his back to Syn, he made sure to flip his long tresses out so they could fall over the dark material. He swore he could feel those deep, charcoal eyes tracking him through the bar, but he refused to look back.

Goodbye Syn.

That man at the end of the bar; that was the kind of man that lured you to his bed at night and fucked you senseless, but then beat the shit out of you the next morning, because in the harsh light of day, he wasn’t gay. Furi knew that type of man all too well. As he walked the half-block to the bus stop, his blood cooled at the horrific memories of the last year as he lit a Marlboro and waited for the next bus. He didn’t need to dredge up old horror stories, he had to get his mind right ... he had an early shoot in the morning.

‘Stranger Danger’

Syn paid his tab for the one beer and left the pub. Somehow making love in an elevator didn’t appeal to him anymore. If he was being honest, women in general rarely did. He’d always felt they were more of a distraction than anything and he’d had very little time for distractions while focusing on his career. Syn looked up and down the street, about to cross to his building when a familiar figure caught his eye just a half-block up.

Furious. That’s what the man in the pub had called him. Interesting name

Syn detoured and headed in that direction. His body completely ignoring what his brain was screaming. He just looks like him … this is not the same. Syn walked slowly, Furious wasn’t going anywhere since he appeared to be waiting for the bus. He watched a billow of smoke emerge from full, pink lips. Smoking. It was a filthy habit, but somehow, Furious made it look kind of hot. Syn was just a few feet away and saw that Furious had ear buds in, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket, head hanging down and all that hair falling over his beautiful face.

Beautiful face. Syn watched the man remove the cigarette from his lips.

“Uh oh. Stranger danger.”

Syn looked behind him but no one was there.

“I mean you. You just gonna stand there and stare, man?” Furious raised his head and turned slowly, pinning Syn with a hot glance.

“Name’s –”

“Yeah. I know your name, you told me already.” Furious cut him off. “Your cologne will give you away every time.”

Syn stepped a little closer. “Does it smell that bad?”

“Nope. Smells that good,” he said on an exhale of smoke.

Syn unintentionally let a small smile creep up on him. Now that he had approached Furi, he was at a complete loss as to what to say or do. He had absolutely no idea why he was approaching this man … any man. Furious’ eyes were as dark as night, his eyelashes dark and long, just brushing his cheek when he looked down. Syn looked his fill, while Furious watched him curiously.
