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“Yes,” Furi spoke in own lust filled whisper. When Furi snapped the cock-ring off, Syn’s entire body jerked from the rush of power that surged through him, slamming viciously into and through his cock.

“Fuck! I’m gonna come. Furi! Fuck, I’m coming so fucking hard!” Syn yelled.

Furi turned a switch on that toy that sent strong vibrations streaming through Syn’s throbbing channel, while pressing firmly into that sweet spot. All Syn could do was let his body feel, yell, buck and take it. In his own bed he was completely powerless to Furi’s merciless sexual onslaught. Furi gripped Syn’s ass in a grip sure to leave finger-marks and slammed his hot mouth over his cock, taking him down to the base in one swallow. An animalistic lust coursed through him with an intensity he’d never felt. Syn was hit hard with hunger and he roughly grabbed two handfuls of Furi’s hair and pumped his cock as far down his throat as it could go while he loudly groaned his release. Sweltering heat surrounded his cock as he shot jet after jet of hot, thick come inside that heavenly cavern. Syn had absolutely no poise or courtesy as he used the hell out of Furi’s mouth, fucking his dick in between those pretty pink lips until he had no strength left.

Furi feverishly jerked his own cock. His hand moving so fast on his length, it was a blur. Syn wished he could see his lover’s face, see him in the throes of passion. His head was too heavy to lift and Furi’s face was buried in his damp pubic hair, his red, swollen mouth still hovering near Syn's sensitive dick, panting hot breaths on him as he howled his own release into the red-lit room, coating Syn’s thigh with wet heat. Furi dropped between his thighs and rested his head on his groin, his chest rapidly rising and falling as his orgasm left him weak as well. Syn absently ran his hand through Furi’s long tresses, while they both came back down to earth.

Syn shook his head back and forth in bewilderment. He was glad Furi’s head was still down there, otherwise Syn would be embarrassed by the goofy grin stretching his mouth. Furi had shown him the reality of what it meant to blow someone’s mind. Syn was a changed man. He was a fucking bottom, and he embraced that designation. He loved the feel of something penetrating his ass, stretching his hole. It was so much so fast, but he wasn’t looking back and he damn sure had no regrets.

‘Making Friends Fast’

Furi wasn’t aware that he’d drifted into a shallow slumber right where he lay until he felt Syn shift beneath him. Furi moaned and raised his head from Syn’s hipbone and stared into dark eyes. Syn’s look revealed nothing.

“Hey you.”

“Hey back.” Syn’s voice was deep and groggy.

“Ready for me to get off you?” Furi chuckled softly, hoping to lighten up Syn's mood. He forced himself up. “I’ll get something to wipe you off.” Furi went to the bathroom and slowly cleaned himself off, almost dreading going back into the bedroom. Don’t flip out, don’t flip out, Syn. It’s okay, babe. Wanting to by some time, Furi washed his face and brushed his teeth. He took a warm cloth back into the bedroom and began to clean Syn’s leg and stomach. He wanted to know how the man felt, but he was too nervous to ask. Furi wiped off the toys and set them back on the nightstand.

Syn turned and pulled the comforter up to his hip, covering himself. Furi couldn’t describe the pain that shot through his chest at the sight of Syn’s back turned to him. He sincerely hoped it was just Syn processing his first homosexual experience. Furi couldn’t fathom how the man could have screamed in ecstasy the entire time but feel bad now. Furi shut off the lamp, and crawled under the covers, curling himself around Syn’s hard body. He felt Syn tense against him. Fuck. Oh come on, this can’t be happening. There was no way that Syn was going to flip out on him just like Patrick had, Furi's luck couldn’t be that bad. Light seeped under the door from the hall, so Furi could see Syn’s eyes were open and alert.

“Syn,” Furi whispered. “Do you want me to go?”

Syn flipped around so fast it startled him. “What? Why?”

“Well, because you seem a little upset. I don’t..." Furi stopped talking. He didn’t want Syn to know how much leaving would hurt him.

Syn looked ashamed, torn. Furi dropped back onto the bed, completely exasperated and draped an arm over his face. He huffed out a hard breath and angrily swung his legs over the side. “I’m outta here. I’m not staying long enough for you to realize you’re not gay and then fucking snap on me.” Furi was angrily shoving his legs into his pants and spun around to grab his shit off the nightstand when he noticed Syn was propped up on one elbow watching him with a broad grin on his face.
