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So it was true. Those two really got off on being complete badasses.

“This fucking city is full of nothing but thugs, money grubbing porn-bitches, and hustlers. I’m calling the police.” Ex fumed as he struggled to pull his cell from his pocket.

If Syn weren't so damn angry it would’ve been funny as shit the way the man’s jaw dropped when God and Day both pulled their gold badges out from under their shirts. Day smiled that sinister grin and kneeled in front of them, speaking in an official tone, “911, what is your emergency?”

With the brother taken care of, he was able to focus on his real problem. “Get up,” Syn growled. The bastard put his hand up to ward off Syn’s approach. Syn grasped the outstretched hand and frowned at the diamond wedding band glistening on the man’s ring finger. Syn twisted the finger, forcing the palm up and used it to jerk him to his feet roughly, making him cry out in agony. “Furi belongs to me. If you ever come near him again, I won’t be as nice as I was today. He wants a divorce, sign the papers or don’t sign the papers; I don’t give a fuck, just stay away from him.” Syn twisted and pulled tighter. A few more inches and he’d break the goddamn finger. Syn was reaching behind his back for his S&W; the urge to make the guy a permanent non-factor, strong. “Stay far, far away. Am I making myself clear?”

“Enough.” God’s gruff, distinctive voice snapped Syn back to reality.

Ex spat blood on the dirty concrete. Snot and sweat dripped down his face as he pinned Syn with a look that seemed to say, ‘Fine, if you want Furi you can have him and by the way, fuck you’.

“That works for me.” Syn threw the ex’s hand down and backed up a few steps, stopping himself from doing something that would cost him his shield. Thankfully God was there. He was relatively sure that ex-husband and his brother wouldn’t be filing a police report since Syn had intercepted them in the process of assault and attempted kidnapping.

“Leave. Now. I never want to see your pathetic asses in this city again, or I’ll make sure there’s no one around to stop me from doing what I really want to do.” Syn crouched down to where Patrick had dropped as soon as Syn released his hand and stared into those scared, gray eyes. He pulled his badge out and flashed it at Ex, briefly enjoying the look of disbelief on that bruised face before whispering harshly, “I know how to hide a body. I’ll put you where no one can smell you.”

Neither one of the men waited around to see if Syn meant what he said. They clambered to their feet and hobbled down the alley, halfway holding each other up, not looking back.

Once they were gone, Syn lifted his head to look at his Lieutenants. He knew how close he’d been to putting a bullet in that bastard’s head, because all he kept picturing were that man’s hands wrapped around Furi’s throat. Syn hadn’t lost control in a long time, and he wondered what that meant. How deep did his feelings for Furi run?

“Go home,” Day said, clasping him on the shoulder. “We’ll handle the rogue bitch clan at the station.”

“I can do my job, Day,” Syn snapped back at his boss.

“We know that. We’ll let Sasha Pain; aka porn bitch sit on ice and interrogate her in the morning see if there’s any connection with this ex-husband and BTNS.” God gestured with his head. “Go check on your man, you know that’s where you want to be.”

Syn was taken aback. God said nothing about him dating a prior suspect in a case they were still working, or about dragging them into a back alley fight while he took his revenge. God was actually being compassionate. Well, damn. Syn was astonished to see that side of him.

“Besides, you won’t be worth shit to me with a hard on all night.”

And he’s back. Well, that compassion sure was short-lived.

‘True Confessions’

Furi walked across Syn’s living room carpet for what felt like the millionth time while he waited for him to come back. How dare he order me to leave? Like I’m a damn kid. Furi decided right then and there that he was going to have a talk with Syn. Furi wouldn’t be his kept man or his bitch.

Furi stopped mid-stride when he heard the door open and close behind Syn. All the anger and hostility he’d felt while alone in Syn’s place just disappeared when the ruggedly handsome man yanked his dark coat off and threw it on the couch, approaching Furi with a hungry look.

“Did he hurt you?” Syn’s voice was gravelly. He put both hands on either side of Furi’s neck and lifted it gently, eyeing the slight redness there.
