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Syn's head snapped his up from hiding behind his menu. “Uh. Yeah, but ya know.”

“No, I don’t know,” Furi answered quickly. “If you didn’t want to come out, why didn’t you just say so? You look like you're about to pull a disguise out of your coat. Or do you plan to just stay hidden behind your menu all fucking evening?”


“Although that’s going to make eating really difficult. Should I be prepared for you to fake a stomach ache?”

“Enough,” Syn barked, Furious’ dark eyes widening at his tone. “Look, cut me some slack alright? I am not new to dating men. I’m new to dating: period. Just about all of my adult life I’ve focused on being a cop, a damn good cop. I had little time for anything else in my life including dates. Dating takes time and patience, two things I didn't have. I was prepared to accept being alone the rest of my life until I saw you. I wanted you, and I was more than willing to take the time and effort to be with you. So forgive me if I don’t do everything exactly right on our first date.”

“I’m not expecting you to. I haven’t dated in years myself. But one thing I’m not concerned about is being ashamed.” Furi looked Syn dead in the eye.

Syn didn’t have a chance to respond, the waitress came to set a pail of peanuts on the table. Speaking in a cheerful voice: “What can I get you guys to drink?”

“I’ll take whatever autumn ale you have on tap,” Furious said grabbing a handful of peanuts.

“Wow. Your hair is so pretty. I wish mine was that full. Can I touch it?” She reached in and ran her fingers through Furi’s hair without waiting for an answer.

Syn bristled while he watched the busty waitress fawn over his man’s hair. Shit. Syn was already considering Furi his. Syn locked eyes with Furious and saw the evil glint in his eye. He obviously realized that Syn didn’t like what the waitress was doing. Syn wanted to be the only one allowed to touch that gorgeous mane. She brought her hand up for another swipe and Syn blurted out, “I’ll have the same. I’m dying of thirst here.”

Furious chuckled deeply as the waitress scurried off to get their beers. He gave Syn an incredulous look, “Seriously?”

“I think it’s a little unprofessional to do that, don’t you?” Syn argued.

“Do what?”

“Don’t play with me.”

“Oh don’t play with you,” Furi swiftly interjected.

“Yes. Don’t. I wouldn’t let someone else feel me up when I'm out with you. So don’t let her touch you again.”

Furi raised one eyebrow at Syn’s tone. “Sure, whatever, but she wasn’t feeling me up, Syn.” Furi slouched down lower in the both and draped one arm across the back. His tight, black t-shirt revealed his toned chest and tattoos on both arms. Various tribal arts, some nautical stars, and a large motorcycle on his left arm. Syn wondered what they all meant, and how many more he had hidden beneath his clothes. Furi just stared at him without saying anything. Syn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His cock was already at half-mast but with Furi looking at him like that, he was getting harder with each glare. Syn felt a foot nudge his under the table, making him look at Furi and turn up the corner of his mouth.

“There, that’s better,” Furi said in his deep, sexy timbre. “You’re hot as fuck when you get all controlling."

Syn just shook his head and took a large gulp of the beer the waitress just sat in front of him.

“We’ll have the endless wings, please.” Furi ordered for them. “Anything else, babe?”

Syn choked on his beer at Furi’s term of endearment, wrenching a hearty laugh from not only the waitress but from his date too.

“Funny. You’ll pay for that later.”

“I hope so,” Furi almost purred.

After the waitress dropped off their order, Syn’s nerves had settled and the two of them fell into light, easy conversation. It helped Syn's comfort level that there was no one there he recognized from his precinct. As he and Furi ate and drank, Syn told him about the long line of cops he came from. Explaining that he’d always wanted to be a Detective.

Furi told him about his dad being the greatest mechanic he’d ever worked with and how he was going to run his shop the same way: with integrity and pride. They laughed about his jerk off videos for Illustra and the things he’d have to imagine to get through them. Syn sobered quickly when Furi confessed that he’d thought about him, his lips, about his smell and his strength. He told him how much Syn turned him on.

“Ditto,” was all Syn could say by that point. The look from Furi said he’d had enough small talk and was ready for something else. Syn knew exactly what that something was.
