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“Oh my fucking god,” Syn whimpered.

“Mmm, that feel good, Syn?” Furi mouthed over the sensitive head.

“Yes. Yes, Furi.” There was no way he was going to last. Syn could try to quote every statute he knew as a distraction, he was still gonna shoot in less than a minute. Like a forty-year old virgin.

Furi opened those sexy lips wide and took all of him into that warm cavern. Syn wasn’t hung like a horse, but he wasn’t ashamed by what he had. Furi moaned as if Syn’s cock was the best tasting thing in the world, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to remain still much longer. Syn’s thighs burned from tensing them, his abs clenched tight, his biceps flexed, his whole body was reacting. Furi’s mouth was down against his pubes, swallowing, his throat contracting around the head. Syn’s eyes rolled back in his head and he just barely groaned a warning to Furi, “I’m fucking coming. Augh! Now!”

Syn felt sharp teeth drag up his length, delivering a vicious blow of erotic pain before Furi licked the sting away and sucked hard on his cock head while pulling firmly at the base, jacking him swiftly. Syn couldn’t sit still and he couldn’t keep his hands down any longer, he buried them in Furi’s hair as he vaulted his upper body up and bowed over Furi’s head, groaning deep from the power of his orgasm. He thrust up once into that pretty mouth and shot deep into his man’s throat. The next burst of come made Syn’s mouth drop open on a soundless cry, his body slamming back hard against the worn cushions of the couch, the force of it catching him off guard. “Fuuuuuck, Furious,” he moaned, thrusting up again, feeling another blast rip from his balls. His body shook like he was freezing cold. His dick refused to stop spurting. Furi swallowed all of it, licking and lapping at his cock like it held his life’s nourishment.

Syn was totally consumed, feeling drunk from the powerful orgasm. He didn’t think he’d ever come that hard before. No, he knew he’d never come that hard before. His cock was still twitching deliciously when Furi climbed onto his lap, ferociously grinding his stiff cock into Syn's hard abs. Yes, god he wanted to make Furi come too; make him feel just as good as he felt right now.

“Damn you come hard. Fuckin’ loved it,” Furi whispered against his cheek, some of his own sweet nectar dripping from the corner of that talented mouth.

Syn was just barely getting his vision to focus when he heard a loud knock at the door that had Syn yanking Furi off him while simultaneously pulling his gun from his holster. With Furi tucked safely behind him, Syn pulled his pants up, needing to get his dick back into them before he could fully protect Furi. He looked back at him. “Are you expecting someone?” Syn’s voice was firm but quiet.

“No,” Furi whispered back, looking nervously at Syn’s weapon.

Syn moved them both behind the couch into a better position. He thought for a second and then pulled his Glock’s suppressor from its holder and quickly screwed it on. He didn’t want to give Furi’s landlord a coronary if he had to shoot. He moved Furi along, keeping him safely behind him. Another round of loud pounding came.

“What the hell?” Furi hissed.

Syn put his hand to Furi’s lips and shook his head, telling him not to respond. Damn, he wished he'd had more time to plan how to handle Furi’s husband. “Who is it?” Syn yelled.

“Furious!” A deep voice hollered back as the person began trying to break down the door.

Syn knew the flimsy door wouldn’t hold up against the heavy banging.

“Furious! Are you in there?”


Syn barely heard Furious yell when a large body slammed through the door, splintering the wood around the knob. The man’s force propelled him forward into the apartment and Syn used that momentum to his advantage. He pushed Furi back and charged toward the intruder. Syn dipped low and used his shoulder to push the man back into the wall. The guy looked to be almost as tall and strong as he was, leaving Syn no doubt that the man could give him a good fight, but he was momentarily startled by Syn’s strength and he was weaponless. Furi was yelling something at him but Syn couldn’t focus on that, he kept his concentration trained on the intruder. Syn ducked a wildly thrown punch, spun and hooked his arm under his attacker, throwing him face first against the wall.

“Don’t fucking move.” Syn held the man’s thick arm behind his back and used his upper body to keep him pinned. He bent the man’s hand in an awkward angle, and used his thumb to apply pressure on a sensitive nerve in the wrist, making the man scream out in agony. He brought his Glock suppressor to the man’s temple and in a low, dangerous growl told him, “He’s mine now.”
