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Syn rubbed the back of his neck and tried to ease some of the tension there. “This guy Furious.”

Ro shook his head indicating he was listening.

“I’m kind of, um … we uh … he’s my,” Syn stuttered not quite finding the right words.

“You know him and you like him,” Ro finished for him.

Syn looked Ro in the eye. “Yeah, I like him.” Syn took a deep breath. “He’s the first him that I’ve liked in a very long time.”

“I see.” Ro rubbed his hand over his cheek again. Syn knew the gesture meant Ro was thinking.

“Shit’s all fucked up now. I can’t date a goddamn suspect, a married goddamn suspect.”

“Hey whoa. We don’t know the situation with the marriage yet. The reasons I thought he could be a suspect? They might be easily explained away.”

“You’re the one said you think he’s hiding something,” Syn argued.

“Yes, I did. This guy is married, right? He leaves his husband in a way that makes the man file a missing persons on him, and then Furious changes his name, and not back to his birth name. It looks like he’s hiding from him, I just need to find out why.” Ro pulled a paper from the file. “This shows him making regular deposits to an account in a bank located in Los Angeles. The account is under a different name and has over ninety thousand dollars in it.”

“So he stole his husband’s money and hauled ass in the middle of the night. Fuckin’ great.” Syn yanked the door open, ready to charge into interrogation room five and tell Furious he could go to hell.

“Geez, hold on a minute, Sarge.” Ro grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside, slamming the door closed. “No wonder Day likes you so much. Both of you go off half-cocked all the fucking time. That money wasn’t stolen. It was life insurance proceeds from when his father died. He might’ve been hiding it from the husband. The contributions he’s been making since then have been small but frequent.”

“He’s a porn star, Ronowski! I can’t date a damn porn star! Fucking other women and probably men. What the fuck?” Syn was yelling and pacing now. He knew it wasn’t fair to yell at Ro, but he was the only one there now. After a few seconds Syn turned and saw Ro was staring down at the file not saying anything. “Damnit! Say something.”

“You done?” Ro asked calmly.

“What?” Syn asked dumbly.

“I was waiting for you to finish your tantrum.” Ro smiled that boy-next-door grin that made people calm. “Now, as far as the porn. It’s a het site only, so no male on male. But he doesn’t fuck the women either. Never has.”

“What?” Syn asked for the second time and took the paper that Ro handed to him. It was a complete list of Furi’s movies. Every one of them were solo masturbation sessions, about fifteen minutes long, some less than that. That made Syn exhale and before he knew it one side of his mouth was cocked up into a grin.

“Ah. That’s better.” Ro chuckled. “Now let’s stop trying to guess the answers about the husband and go talk to your man.”

“He’s gonna wonder why you're questioning him about his husband on a homicide that doesn’t have anything to do with his marriage. He’ll probably scream for a lawyer before you can get anything out of him,” Syn said with frustration.

“You let me handle that. I was trained in interrogations by the best.” Ro grinned again and Syn knew they were both thinking the same names. God and Day.

“As far as the porn stuff.” Ro pfftd. “That fucker is hot. I wouldn’t give a damn if he beat his meat in a damn Santa costume on the Home & Garden network as long as I got to see the video.”

Syn’s face paled at the mental image.

Ro laughed a deep laugh. “Point is no one cares who you’re fucking around here. You just need to be a good Sarge and an even better friend. We all have our outlets when we leave this place.” Ro led them out of the room. “Just look at me. Two years ago I was a homophobic asshole who no one could stand to be around. Now I’m fucking the Police Commissioner’s son; nightly … hard.”

Syn smiled and shoved Ro in the shoulder as they walked. He’d found out pretty quickly that Detective Johnson was the Police Commissioner’s one and only son. Some people may have had a problem with his gay status, but they sure-as-shit didn’t express it.

Ro stopped with Syn outside the interrogation room as he looked through the one way mirror at Furi. He sat still staring at the table and Syn saw him check his watch and fidget in his chair.

“Hmm. Looks like he has somewhere to be too. I wonder where,” Ro sing-songed.
