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If looks could kill, Syn would be on the floor in cardiac arrest. His tactic was working. Lady Jay was getting very angry.

This was his role; to get her so pissed off that she’d eventually let some valuable information slip. Syn had been sure the ‘dried up’ comment would get that fire started. Except her only response was, “I want my lawyer. Her name is Jean Goldsfer. So we’re finished with the Q&A, fellas.”

“I got a Q for your A; why are you such a B?” Syn couldn't hide his irritation as he stared at her.

She scowled at him, “Just get me my fucking attorney.”

"Honey, it doesn’t matter if your lawyer has twenty fucking law degrees. There’s no way you're getting out of here, not without cooperating with us. We’re not Homicide. We’re Narcotics; all we want are the drugs. If you help us, we’ll put in a good word for you once Homicide takes over the case,” Syn added.

“Ha!” she barked. “You smug, macho bastards aren’t gonna give me a fair shake, so leave. I’m not answering your questions without my attorney.”

Syn picked up the pictures and placed them back in the file. His expression said he didn’t care one way or the other as he shrugged and flipped through a couple more pages of the file. “Oh yeah. Lieutenant Godfrey, wasn’t that Statham’s father and his legal team we saw in the Captain’s office with the Police Commissioner this morning? I think they were throwing around terms like death penalty and pre-meditated murder.” Syn pulled a paper out and turned it around to show the suspect. “Hmm. It looks like you run a website listing men’s names. The DA could probably get a jury to believe it’s a hit list. It appears that you and your extreme lesbo followers have listed a bunch of male adult entertainers as ‘Porn Stars that Rape.’ Interesting that Statham’s name was on that list. Sounds like pre-meditated murder to me. Count your blessings though, Lady J, if this were Afghanistan you would be pulled backwards through the streets by mountain goats with your hands cut off … but here in the great U.S. of A. all you get is death by lethal injection.”

Syn watched a terrified expression cross Lady Jay’s gorgeous face.

“Oh ... did you think because you used an alias we wouldn’t find your fucked up, hateful propaganda? I wonder what my men will find after they finish the search of your home. What they’ll find on your computer.” Syn lowered his voice to a mere whisper, “And in the laptop you had stored under a floor board in your bedroom."

That did the trick. Lady Jay looked like she was about to be sick or bolt.

Day came in right on cue. His voice sympathetic and comforting. Good cop. “Janet, we know you were raped by three male adult entertainers nine years ago. All three of them walked because their lawyer convinced a jury that as a porn actor yourself, you’d asked for it. Instead of focusing on the facts of crime, your character was attacked. We know all three of those men are now dead, their bodies mutilated beyond recognition. Their killer was never found.” Day’s hazel eyes looked full of concern. “You’ve already taken your revenge on your attackers. Why are you still targeting men?”

“I’m protecting my girls. You fuckers sure don’t care to.”

“Well bless your nurturing little dick-hating heart,” Syn said condescendingly.

Lady Jay gasped.

“Sergeant Sydney, show some control,” Day admonished him. “What girls are you protecting, Janet?”

“The girls that helped you kill Statham last night,” Syn butted in again.

“I didn’t say that!” she yelled at him, then turned back to Day. “That bastard keeps putting words in my mouth. I protect the girls of BTNS,” she stated proudly, lifting her chin.

“What the fuck does that stand for? Bitches. That. Need. Slapping?” Syn quipped.

“You asshole!” she snapped, jumping up and leaning over the table to get in Syn’s face. Syn’s non-reaction had her seething with rage.

God moved fast. He grabbed her shoulder and slammed her down hard in the chair. “Get up again and the only deal we’ll give you will involve twenty-five years on death row before you get a needle full of potassium chloride in your arm.”

“Don’t fucking touch me!” She screeched.

“Lieutenant Godfrey get your hands off her immediately,” Day snapped. “As a matter of fact, I want you out of here, leave!”

God grumbled, "Fuck this shit," and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Ms. Lindstrom. I apologize for my colleague,” Day begin.

“You can’t apologize for that bully. Just like a man. Thinking he can handle women any way he wants.” She whipped her head so her long, blonde bangs were no longer covering her eye. “I want to file a complaint for excessive use of force.”

“Absolutely, I agree. I’ll write that up myself Ms. Lindstrom. Is there anything we can get you before we continue? A glass of water? A soda perhaps?” Day asked calmly.
