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“We got eyes on your man Furious,” Patrick sneered. “So I’ll make sure I’m done with you and long gone before he gets here.”

“Pat don’t.”

Brenden grabbed a fist full of Furi’s hair and yanked him off floor. Furi thought he screamed out at the pain. He was backhanded across the face, sending him flying back onto the couch.

In his mind he was scurrying to get away. But in actuality he was barely moving. Furi drug his hand over his already sore face wincing at the pain. He was still trying to stop the ringing in his ears from the backhand when Brenden grabbed him by the throat and hauled him to his feet again. The solid punch to Furi’s stomach brought tears to his eyes but when he fell back to the floor that pain was multiplied by the kick to his ribs.

“Pat. Don’t let him hurt me,” Furi said softly, completely out of breath.

“Why not? You hurt me,” Patrick said from somewhere in the room.

“I just want to live my li–” Brenden slapped Furi again.

“Shut the fuck up,” he yelled in his face.

“Take him to the bedroom,” Patrick ordered.

“Please, don’t. Don’t do it Patrick. I’ll come back with you. I promise. I’ll be a good husband, I swear,” Furi slurred. He was grasping at Brenden’s hands while he lugged him down the hall throwing him through the bedroom door.

“I don’t want you,” Patrick said in his collected voice. “Not after you’ve let him have you. Tell me Furious. Does he let you fuck him? Are you the top, baby? Do you handle him like you tried to handle me? Or is he the one fucking your sweet ass, huh? Because I know you love it any way you can get it.”

Brenden grabbed Furi and threw him on the bed like he was weightless. He tried to work his way off the bed but Brenden grabbed his hair and pulled him back. “Try that again and I’ll break your fuckin’ legs.”

Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through him counteracting the drugs they'd put in his drink but Furi was able to see a little more clearly. His limbs were still too heavy to fight back though. “What’d you give me?” Furi panted. It felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

“Ecstasy, dipshit. You’re the porn slut. You don’t know what ecstasy feels like?” Brenden said, slapping Furi’s face again. This time Furi could taste the blood from his split lip. “Oh and there’s a little something extra in it too.”

“Brenden check in,” Patrick said.

Brenden caught the two-way radio Patrick tossed to him. “Girls come back.”

Furi looked around nervously for anything he could use as a weapon. He knew Syn had guns in the house, in this room. But he doubted he could get to one and use it properly in his drugged state. He was fucked.

“Yeah?” The woman’s voice crackled through the speaker.

“What’s the twenty?”

“It looks like they’re all stopping for something to eat,” the woman responded. “I think you guys should hurry up.”

“Just tell us when they’ve left,” Brenden barked before tucking the radio in his back pocket.

Furi’s drugged eyes left Brenden and focused on Patrick and couldn't figure out why the fuck he was taking his clothes off.

“Looks like my time is almost up. I’m going to fuck you real good one last time darlin, before I kill you. Bren, you want to get a little taste too?” Patrick’s laugh was so sinister, Furi had no doubt he was about to make good on his threat. “Brenden, turn the radio up all the way so the neighbors can’t hear him scream.”

No. Not like this. Syn!!!!

‘Please Say It's Over’

“We got a tail,” Day said from the front seat.

“You sure?” God cut his eyes to the rearview mirror.

Syn didn’t dare turnaround. “Who the hell would be following us?”

“That same dark Chrysler was behind us when we pulled into the station an hour ago. Now it's back there again on the right.”

“There’s a lot of Chryslers around here, sweetheart. You’re just tired,” God grumbled.

“Don’t patronize me God. Make a right up here,” Day ordered.

Syn didn’t turn around but obviously the car had followed because Day turned to look at God with an ‘I told you so’ expression. “Make a left.”

This time the car had to swerve over two lanes in order to turn behind them.

“I’ll lose them,” God stepped on the gas.

“No. Don’t. I want to know what the fuck is going on. Pull into an all-night diner and park.”

Syn just barely restrained his annoyance. All he wanted to do was get to his place since he was sure Furi was there waiting on him, keeping the bed warm.

They all got out of God’s truck and walked into the dinner like they were just there to have a bite to eat. Instead, they walked straight to the back, flashing their badges. “We need to go out your back door,” Syn told the tired-looking waitress. She looked like she couldn't care less, pointing over her shoulder without bothering to stop texting.
