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He remembered his sweet mother’s words. “A woman has to first show respect for her own body before a man will know to. The sun doesn’t lose its radiance when it’s covered by the clouds, the same way a woman’s beauty doesn’t fade when she’s covered by her clothes.”

If Ty’s mother was going outside the house, then she was always covered appropriately in her beautiful hand-sewn scarves. She only revealed her angelic beauty for her king, for his father. Ty remembered watching his father meticulously remove her wrap when she came inside, always appearing to stare in awe each time her dark locks flowed down her back. A gift unveiled only for him.

“Hey Ty. Right on time I see.” Sharain smiled prettily at him and swiveled her hips in what he guessed to be a sexy pose. “You like what you see?”

Ty looked her in the eye. “This is for you,” he said evenly.

She seemed taken aback by the rose before she smiled slyly. “Oh damn, baby. That silky voice of yours, champagne… and flowers. You trying to make a girl fall in love, huh?”

Ty finally turned away from her teasing glint and took in her home. The place was small but very clean, and she’d lit multiple scented candles around the living room, bathing the space in a warm glow. He had no clue why she was setting a scene. She ran the petals of the rose across her ample chest, licking her lips. “I’ll just put this bubbly in the refrigerator and I’ll be right with you, handsome.” She stared up at his eyes, hunger and unabashed lust radiating in her own. He took a couple of steps back and allowed her to get herself together. Maybe it’d been a while for her, too, and she’d completely misread what his intentions were, but they certainly weren’t to get her into bed on the first night. He’d never be so disrespectful. Ty removed his coat himself, since she hadn’t offered to take it, and draped it over the one chair and sat on the couch. He wondered what she’d made for dinner, or were they having small finger stuff? His stomach growled embarrassingly when he realized he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. He didn’t see anything on the table.

She came out of the kitchen, rounding the corner with a flourish. Her soft, pastel pink gown flowing elegantly behind her. Sharain didn’t stop until she was standing between his thighs. “You wanna join me in the bedroom, Ty?”

“I’m fine here, thank you.” Ty leaned back and crossed one sneaker onto his other knee. “I hope white wine is fine with dinner.”

Sharain scoffed before a jackal-like laugh escaped her glossy lips. “Dinner? I don’t cook, love. Unless it’s in there.” She tilted her head toward the bedroom.

Damnit. This was definitely not his queen. His father had brought his mother flowers, candy, notes, and more flowers for days, before she’d agreed to the first date. He hadn’t mentioned how long it had taken before they were wed and intimate, but his mother was a lady and she’d carried herself as such. Ty deserved that realness. He wouldn’t settle. He stood slowly and reached for his jacket. “I’d better go.”

“What?” Sharain looked equal parts bewildered and pissed. “You still playing hard to get? What the hell is up with you, you don’t like women? What’d you expect to happen tonight?”

Ty finished putting his coat on and turned to face her. He glared down on her and spoke in a definitive tone. “I was only expecting what you offered me this afternoon, nothing more. A little company, conversation and getting to know each other. That’s what you said.”

She gave him an unimpressed scowl as she splayed her sheer robe open. “You’re a punk-ass if you’re turning all this down?”

Ty paused with his hand on the door. He went back and stood over her, his ire making itself present. She swallowed roughly, her eyes bulging as he spoke through clenched teeth. “You won’t offer me food, drink, or conversation… but you’ll offer me your body?”

Sharain glared at him before cinching her robe. “Get the hell out of my house.”

With pleasure. “Good night,” he said, wishing it hadn’t ended like that.

The door slammed at his back, but he didn’t turn around. She wasn’t a nice woman after all. She didn’t have manners or self-respect, so she didn’t deserve his. Therefore, she couldn’t be his queen. He shouldn’t have been allowed to even lay eyes on her flesh until he’d proven himself. Ty had been taught that a woman would love him first with her heart and soul, it would be a true gift when he was worthy to lie with her. He remembered his father’s teaching, and instead of second-guessing and questioning what he knew was right, he headed out of the building, again ignoring the rude remarks from the hood rats who called him a ‘one-minute man’ and a ‘quick shooter’.
