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“Lay back,” he eventually grunts while wrapping his hand around mine to stop me moving. I’m disappointed, but I suppose it’s a good thing because I want to feel him inside of me as well. “I want to see you.”

Mesmerized by his words, I do as he commands. There is such a dark desire in Zane’s eyes, he’s giving me that look again that brings me back to being a teenager driven only by lust. It feels good to be wanted by him.

I throw my hands above my head as Zane slowly removes my clothing. He peels off my blouse, taking his time to slowly and tantalizingly unhook each button. Then he pulls me off the couch slightly while he unhooks my bra. My breasts pop free, eager for him, and Zane doesn’t disappoint. He dips his head in towards them and wraps his lips around first my left nipple, then my right, tugging and teasing and giving me an indication for how good the next part will feel. I’m on fire, everything inside of me in buzzing.

Then, the pencil skirt that I carefully chose this morning because of the professional look that it gives me comes off. As it slides down over the hyper sensitive skin of my thighs, groans and moans fly out of my mouth. My panties are pulsing, my core is screaming out for him, I don’t know how much longer I can keep it all inside.

Then, Zane kisses me, up against the plain white cotton material of my underwear. He presses his mouth against my slit, sending my head spinning. The feeling is strange, it’s unexpected and there is definitely smoothing in the way, but it makes my hips buck desperately towards his mouth anyway. I keep wanting more.

“You want me to take these down?” he mutters sexily, breathing intimately over me. “They in the way?”

“Yes,” I beg in almost a whisper. “Oh God, yes, get them off, please, I cannot stand it.”

“I don’t remember you being so needy before,” Zane muses, driving me mad. He’s taking his time on purpose, winding me up. I want to yell at him to stop but the words aren’t there. I can’t say anything. My brain has virtually turned into mush. “Then again, I have to admit that I like it.”

I raise my hips upwards as Zane grabs my butt to help wiggle me out of my underwear. The cool air hits my core hard and makes me raspy and desperate. Zane grabs onto my legs and runs his

hands up towards my center, making my head loll to one side with pleasure. This is the hottest bliss that I’ve ever felt in my life.

Once Zane reaches the tops of my legs, I expect to feel his hand exploring me. The memory of his velveting fingers from before is raw and real, I can almost feel it again… but his fingers aren’t what connects with me. All of a sudden, I’m shocked by the warm sensation of his hot tongue pressing against my clit.

“Oh fuck,” I gasp out as a bolt races all the way from my clit to my heart. “Oh fuck, Zane.”

He massages patterns over my clit, he traces the most incredible feeling letters over me, pushing me rapidly towards the edge of the abyss. I can feel myself falling, almost right away I’m tumbling into pleasure and I freaking love it. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt my body opening up like this to another person. It’s intense.

Zane slides his tongue down me and he plunges it into me, sending a scream flying out. It feels phenomenal, this is better than it’s ever been. Fuck me, there’s no way I could have lived my life without this. I was stupid to think that I could live the steady and dependable life. I need the danger, I need this chemistry, it’s everything.

Zane grips tightly onto my hips to fix me in place while he explores me with his mouth. I’m grateful because much as I don’t want to go anywhere, it’s hard to remain in place while he’s sending me so insane.

“Fuck me,” I beg pleadingly the first moment that I can get any words out. “I want you inside me.”

Zane pulls back from me, leaving me cold and exposed to the air, and he tugs his trousers the rest of the way down. His cock springs to life as he comes free, making my breath ball up in my throat. There’s a deep fizzing sensation running through me, a sizzling creeping through my veins, and it’s all because of him.

Zane climbs back over me on the couch, hovering over me for just a second. He’s staring deep into my eyes, giving me that loving look that I’ve missed so much. In this small apartment, locked away from the rest of the world, it’s like nothing can get to us, it’s the best feeling in the world. Me and Zane would be absolutely fine if it wasn’t for everyone else, and here we can forget about them all.

Then, he slides into me, filling me up in the most incredible way ever. The pleasure that he’s already had building from using his mouth all over me floods me, and I can feel like I’m about to explode. I grab onto Zane’s shoulders, needing something to cling onto while he rocks my world, and I fall head first into the sensations. The orgasm swallows me up whole, it completely consumes every part of my body all the way from my head to my toes, and it brings me back to life. I buck and writhe against Zane, but he holds me gently, loving me with his touch. He makes me feel special, he makes me feel loved, and I think that’s why I crave him so much.

I’m in trouble, I think knowingly to myself as the orgasm subsides. I am in so much trouble here, and it’s exactly where I want to be.

Chapter Twenty Four – Zane

After that magical day where me and Leah reconnected, I’ve started seeing her more and more regularly. Whenever she’s working at the printer place, she comes to me for lunch just as I suggested, and we hang out and chat, and some days even when she isn’t working she comes to sit around at my place. She’s kind of adopted my apartment as a place to do her college work because she still hasn’t confessed the truth to her family as yet, as I go and hang out with her every time I have a spare moment. It’s absolutely wonderful. Of course, the sex is phenomenal too, that’s what drew us together in the first place, but I like everything else about her as well.

This is officially the closest that I’ve ever had to a relationship and I love every single bit of it. The idea of committing to Leah doesn’t scare me, I’m not put off by anything. I know that I would happily give myself over to her completely. The only problem is it only exists in our comfortable little world in my apartment. To the rest of the world, we don’t exist. It’s the safest way for us to carry on at the moment, but it does suck a little.

“Urgh, well that was a long ass day,” I declare with pride as I roll back into my apartment after six PM. “I guess I didn’t even realize the time because I was so sucked into my work.”

“You get like that a lot,” Leah muses, looking up from her books. “Sometimes I watch you from the window and you get so absorbed. It’s awesome to see, that’s actually how I feel when I’m doing my college work.”

I smile to myself, wondering how she thinks I don’t know about her watching me. Much as I’m involved in what I’m doing, I’m always very aware of her, and as soon as she’s standing at that window watching me, I can feel an intense prickle all over my skin. I never give it away though because I like the idea of her watching. It feels good to have someone admiring me for what I do. I like Leah’s eyes roaming over my body…

“Are you still busy now, or can you take a break?” I have an itch all over my skin, I feel like I want to get out and do something. I haven’t ever taken Leah out on my bike yet, mostly because we stay locked away inside, but I feel like this might be the day. “I was thinking that I might take you out for dinner somewhere.”

Leah’s eyes widen in shock, I can tell that she doesn’t know how to take this. “I… I would love to,” she stammers. “But what if someone sees us? I know that we haven’t talked about it much, but if we’re seen…”

“Where I’m thinking of going, we won’t be seen,” I reassure her. “I’ve seen a pop up Mexican restaurant in the next town over that I’ve always wanted to try but I’ve never had anyone to go with. I was thinking that we could get take out and go and sit on the hill that overlooks the ocean. I love it there.”

It’s a place I used to go to a lot when I was younger, when I just got the bike and I finally had the freedom to escape home. It isn’t anywhere that I’ve ever even considered taking anyone before, but I want to show Leah me. I want to peel off my skin for her and to show her all the locked in layers underneath. She’s always been different.

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