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“What about dinner?” Brandon calls up behind me. He probably feels bad for me… again.

“I’ll get it later. Please, leave it in the oven and I’ll grab it when I’m done with homework. Thank you.”

Once in my room, I drag the sweater back onto my body, returning to the real me. I’m never going to be the girl that captivates Zane, that simply isn’t me. Maybe it’ll be better if he doesn’t hang around after Brandon goes to college. Maybe it’s time to start trying to move on…

Chapter Two – Zane

“Everything alright with Leah?” I ask Brandon cautiously. I know he worries about her a lot, he feels responsible for her because they don’t have their parents around anymore. I think he spends so much time focusing on that he forgets that she’s a damn adult now. She’s growing up fast and it’s time for him to let go.

She’s got hot actually, not that I think she knows it. She’s got a gorgeous pixie look about her. A sweet innocence that draws me in and drives me wild. Not that I would ever act on those feelings, for Brandon. And anyway, I’m enjoying playing the field for the moment. I’m young, girls fling themselves at me, so why would I even think about settling down? I can’t just sleep with Leah, she isn’t for that. She’s a long term girl.

One day, she’ll find a nice boy. A teacher or a scientist, someone who can romance her and treat her right. Leah’s the sort of girl who will marry the first person that she sleeps with, and she’ll have kids running around her feet. She’s safe, not one for danger, and I don’t even think she likes the idea of risk. It doesn’t turn her on. It’s a shame, because I know if I could get hold of that body I would know exactly how to corrupt her and send her wild… but I really can’t. that would be so damn wrong of me on so many levels. I have to resist.

“I don’t know,” Brandon sighs. “I don’t know if she’s having trouble with those girls again…”

I roll my eyes, wondering if his interfering is hindering rather than helping. I know that his intentions are good but I don’t know if he always goes about it in the right way. I wish I could tell him that much. But I can’t get involved in family business. That’s just not my place to do so. My family isn’t exactly perfect anyway. I have enough of my own problems to contend with… or avoid, which is probably much closer to the truth.

“Well, I’m sure she’ll find a way to sort it out, mate,” I reply kindly. “She’s tougher than you think.”

Brandon brings the plates of food to the table without answering me. He makes one up for Leah and sticks it in the oven for her to eat later. It’s a shame that she doesn’t want to eat with us but I think I make her uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because I’ve hooked up with some of the girls who are bitches to her.

“Thanks for this. Mm, lasagna. Your cooking is top notch, mate. You’re going to kill it in college!”

Despite us sharing a party lifestyle, Brandon has still managed to get good grades which will help him in college. He’ll be a lawyer or something else that needs a lot of brains. I’m happy for him, it’s awesome that he’s got a good future in front of him once high school ends. I’m happy and only a little bit jealous. I mean, college isn’t for me anyway, it was never going to be, but the fact that he’s escaping this place to go somewhere else is awesome, but it’ll leave me with nowhere to go which gets me. It isn’t going to be easy for me to make enough cash to move out of my family home which means it’ll take time. I’ll be stuck there until I can sort it out.

My dad, who constantly feels the need to remind me that he’s a very important man, that the surname Morris means something, could afford to get me an apartment, he’s absolutely minted, but he won’t. Not unless I live my life as he wants me to. He’s a controlling man who thinks everyone should do what he wants. He hates my motorbike, he hates my tattoos, basically I’m just a disappointment to him all round. That’s why I spend so much of my time here. I’m just going to have to knuckle down and work hard so I can get out into my own place fast.

“Let’s eat this quick,” Brandon says decisively. “Then we can get to that party soon. I need a damn drink!”

“Here, here!” I raise my glass of water and clink it against his playfully. “Let’s do it.”

We scoff our food quickly, laughing and joking as we do, but I can see the strain behind Brandon’s eyes the entire time. He’s worrying about his sister, worrying about going to college and leaving his family behind, worrying about everything. I need to get him out of this fuck to have some fun. Once he gets near the girls at the party and he’s got some booze in his system he’ll relax and be a lot happier. This is our final year of high school, it’s the perfect time to have a lot of fun. Brandon needs this, even more than I do. He needs to loosen up.

“Right, come on.” I grab the spare motorbike helmet and toss it at him. “It’s time to head off.”

“Leah!” Brandon yells up the stairs, refusing to go without saying goodbye. “We’re off now, okay?”

It’s a few seconds before he gets a reply. I can tell that Leah’s voice is thick with emotion, which makes me feel bad, but she’s an introvert. I think she does much better when she’s alone to sort herself out. And it isn’t like she doesn’t have friends of her own, even if it isn’t this particular group of people. She’ll be fine.

“Have fun!” she calls back with an unbearable falsity. “I’ll see you later on.”

I can see Brandon about to waver, so I grip onto his arm and drag him towards the door. I have a whole lot of pent up energy and sexual frustration that needs somewhere to go, sitting around in the Hawkin household won’t help. I need to be with loud music, with drink, with women. I need to be at a party.

I hop onto my bike with Brandon on the back and I feel the incredible horse power of the engine between my thighs. This is something that my father wouldn’t understand, this is the side of my life that he doesn’t even try to get, this is what makes me, me. My motorbike is a part of me, it’s like another limb, I wouldn’t be Zane Morris without it. Bringing it to life, roaring along the roads at high speeds, feeling the wind whipping through my hair and over my skin, it makes me feel alive. I couldn’t give it up, not for anyone or anything.

It isn’t just my parents who don’t like my bike, it’s Brandon’s mother as well. She’s heard the rumors that I’m in a motorbike gang which is

complete crap, but I can’t make her change her mind. I just have to accept who I am and how that makes other people feel. At least her hatred isn’t enough that she doesn’t stop me hanging out with Brandon. I’m sure she doesn’t like it, but she begrudgingly lets it happen.

People look at me as I whiz along the road, I can feel eyes all over my body, which is a sensation I enjoy. I’m an extrovert, a show off, I like people to know that I’m different and that I don’t conform. It’s awesome and gives me power. It makes me hold my head high and jut out my chin with pride and joy.

Finally, we reach a home that I suppose would be more considered a mansion. Sally Smith is loaded, probably close to the wealth that my family had, but she’s lucky enough to have parents who travel a lot so they aren’t around. If my family had the decency to head off around the world on a jet set lifestyle, then I could have parties too. Still, at least this way I don’t have to deal with the clean up afterwards. That must suck.

The music is already pounding, it’s blasting down the streets, and we can hear people yelling and shrieking with excitement. People came here immediately after school so there are probably a lot of wasted idiots in there. It’s just lucky that the other people who live on this road know not to bother complaining. The cops are all under the spell of Sally so nothing ever happens. She’s one of those privileged people who life will be kind to.

“You ready?” I ask Brandon with a smirk. “Sounds like a good night, right?”

He doesn’t look convinced, I can tell that he’s still worrying about his life back home, so I throw my arm over his shoulder and I guide him inside. Sweaty, dancing bodies fill every single room. Every single cool person in the school is here. Almost right away, I spot Rosa. She’s been grafting me for weeks, trying desperately to throw herself at me. With her pouty lips and her exotic smile, of course I’m attracted to her, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Not that I’d tell her, but I’ve been having a little thing with her friend, Nora, and I’ve been waiting for that to peter out first. I think me and Nora are done now, I’ve grown bored, so there’s nothing holding me back.

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