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“You’re Logan?” As the girl who must be Alice hears me, her eyes widen in shock. It makes me wonder what Pru told her about us, but I don’t dare ask. There could be many reasons why she’s shocked, I don’t need to read too much into it. “Okay sure, sorry Prudence is a bit drunk, she got a little bit carried away tonight, but she said that you would take care of her.”

“Yeah, no worries. My car is just over there. Do you need a ride somewhere?” I ask Alice seriously. “I don’t want to leave you all alone if there’s somewhere you need to be…”

“No, no, I live just around the corner from here, I’m fine. I just didn’t want to leave her alone.”

“No, of course not. Well thank you.” I glance down at Pru who is looking at me through very bleary looking eyes. “Pru, are you okay to walk or do I need to scoop you up and carry you?”

“I’m fine.” She pushes herself up and is immediately a bit shaky on her feet. “I’m just very tired now, that’s all. I feel like I need to sleep this off. Is that a normal sensation?”

My heart goes out to her, I feel so much sympathy for Pru. She’s about to have the worst morning of her life tomorrow. I can remember my very first hangover, it was the worst thing that I’ve ever been through in my life, and I was a little bit older than Pru. I also wasn’t anywhere near as drunk. At least I’m here to protect her, she needs me. But as I look at her, I realize that there’s a big part of me that needs her too. I can’t imagine having a life without her. She isn’t like any of the other girls that have come and gone in my life because she grounds me and she gives me a purpose. I didn’t even realize how much I was floating through life before without anything to fix me in place. She’s changed my perception on the world, and on myself. Without her I would still be nothing.

“Come on then.” I link my arm through Pru’s and I walk her towards the car. Alice comes with us at first, but it doesn’t take long for someone else to call her. “You go,” I insist with a bright and reassuring smile “I have Pru, everything is fine alright? Thank you again.”

“Are you sure?” I nod. “Okay, well take care of Pru and tell her to call me when she wakes up.”

“I will do, I’ll get her back home now and make sure that she’s okay.”

Alice touches my arm gently. “Prudence was right about you, you are really nice. She’s lucky to have you in her life. I don’t know what you are to each other, but she’s really lucky.”

As Alice goes I breathe out a sigh of relief. It’s much easier to have Pru all to myself, I know what she knows and doesn’t know, I know what I can and can’t get away with. If it wasn’t for the rest of the world, this whole thing with me and Pru would be easy and straightforward. We could just be happy, be together and not have to worry about it. It’s everyone else that’s the problem, not us.

“You came for me,” Pru slurs a little as she leans up against the car. “I should have come home tonight right after work to see you, to talk about last night, and I didn’t. I went to hang out with my friends instead, but you still came for me when I was in trouble. That’s really awesome.”

I glance around like a paranoid freak, checking that no one overheard her. Of course they didn’t, no one here cares what the hell is going on with me and Pru, no one sees it as wrong. “Of course I came for you, Pru. I don’t mind you blowing me off to hang out with the girls. I want you to do stuff like that, that’s a whole big part of life, isn’t it?” She smiles up gleefully at me. “I want you to have fun and I’ll always be here afterwards when it’s done. I’m your protector after all.”

“I might not know much about men,” she continues while grabbing onto my waist. “But I know that you’re a really good one. You’re much too good to be with someone like me. I’m just… well, I’m trash aren’t I? A nothing girl that no one cares about, from a bad family.”

Uh oh. We’ve reached the drunk stage where all the stuff we keep buried deep down comes flying out like bullets. This is the time that I need to get her the hell out of here before she crumbles. She’s got a lot to cry over, many sad things from her past that I don’t think she’s fully dealt with. Here and now isn’t the time to start that process, it’s much too public for a meltdown.

“You aren’t that at all,” I tell her firmly. “You’re a wonderful girl who deserves the world. Now get into the car and let me get you home, okay? You’re tired and you really do need some rest.”

I hold onto her as I slide the care door open and as I do she leans up against me, trusting me with every inch of her body weight. A smile plays on my lips as I see her there, looking up at me with complete love and wonder in her eyes. Even through the intoxication she is the most stunning woman that I’ve ever seen in my life. I feel a deep compulsion to lean me head down to kiss her. My heart pounds, I know that it’s wrong, but there’s such a deep need that I want to, just for a second.

I do it. As almost an instinctive reaction, I dip my head towards her and I press my lips up against hers, soaking her in, inhaling her, breathing her in as I do. The memories of last night flood my mind and make me feel wonderful. This is simply a snippet of what things could be like if things were normal with me and Pru, if we were just allowed to be together.

Eventually, I pull my head back and I smile at Pru. The rest of the world melts away into nothing and the only two people left are me and her. It’s perfect, for just a moment I can feel the warmth of the sun beating down on my shoulders, as if it’s the middle of the day rather than night time.

“Logan!” All of a sudden, a much too familiar voice bursts my bubble and shocks me to my core. “Logan, is that you? I didn’t think you were coming out tonight.”

“Hey!” Drunk Pru calls back. “That’s Hank from the center, from the kitchens.”

Fuck. My heart falls into my shoes and my stomach drops too. If he’s seeing me now the

n he probably saw me kissing Pru too. And I kissed her, that must was very obvious, I can’t even pass it off as her drunkenly making a move on me. Shit, shit, shit. The cover that I’ve worked so hard to build up has been blown, and now… now I’m fucked. The only hope I have in the world is to get the fuck out of here right now. I need to leave, to escape, to break free and to hope that Hank is either too drunk to remember this is the morning, or that he assumes it isn’t me.

“Get in the car,” I warn Pru in a long voice. “Get in the car now, we cannot be seen.”

I don’t know how much of that gets through, she certainly doesn’t look as worried as she should do, but she does as I command. She falls across the back seat of the car and lies there almost asleep so I leave her there. My heart races in my chest, the only thing I can think of is driving away rapidly. Hank is still yelling at me as if he’s desperate to get my attention but he’s not going to get it.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter as I slam the car into gear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, get out of the way!”

Drunks spill out into the road but soon move when they realize that I might actually run them over if they don’t. I know I’m not thinking straight, I feel like I might be crazy, but it barely matters.

I drive much too quickly, my breaths fall out of my mouth ragged and panicked. I expect to calm down the further away I get but I don’t. If anything, I get worse. Hank knows me, he knows my car, now I can see that running away was never going to work. I should have stayed and explained myself somehow. I don’t know how I would’ve played it off, but doing nothing is worse.

What the hell am I going to do tomorrow? I think while I drag my hands through my hair. The job that I’ve worked so hard to protect is now in real danger and I have no idea what to do. I am in the wrong, there’s no denying that, there’s no escaping it. I’m going to be yelled at, screamed at, fired probably and there isn’t a damn thing that I can do about it. I don’t even know how I can defend myself, but I’ll have to try. Maybe the truth will do it, maybe the admitting that we’re really into one another will make it better. They know me, surely, they’ll know that I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t important…

I turn to see Pru passed out on the back seat, snoring lightly and guilt crushed me painfully. She’s gotten herself dragged into this without really knowing how messy it’s going to get and now we’re about to really find out.

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